You went dark on me

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I LAST UPDATED ON APRIL 22ND???  I am so sorry! Ok well.
I cannot wait for July 11th!!!!
Disclaimer: this is a bit dark so this is for ehh about 10-11+

(Play the song now)

This takes place a couple of days after storm the castle, Marco has been having nightmares about the past event and well, he hates everything second of it. As for Star, we don't know if she is having the same problem or not. But enough talking and please enjoy!

Murder. The crime of a revengeful villain. Tears. The salty water that stained his eyes. Red. The liquid that poured out of his innocent best friend...

Uselessly, he sat there as he watched her fall to the ground. Horrified at the sight of the blood that cascaded down her chest. Her eyes lifeless and dull, staring back at him and making him feel guilty of not doing anything. He tried his best to reach her but he was held back by chains that kept him in his captivity. Toffee did it, he won. He got what he wanted. End of story. There was nothing he could do but watch the love of his life become lifeless herself and drown in his tears.

"N-N-No... Star, please. Please be okay.." He cried. As much as he denied it, she was gone.
"I-I am so so s-sorry, I couldn't h-help save you" he whispered, the drastic event was indeed life-changing. All he could hear was the lizard-like monster laugh as if using Star's death to torture him was hysterical.

"You're a monster." Marco spat hostilely

Toffee burst out laughing "If killing a teenage girl,who is an obnoxious brat. Whilst forcing her pathetic, disappointment of a best friend watch her die makes me a monster, then sure. But in the end aren't we all?"

Marco jolted up from his bed and sat upright. Sweat and tears streamed down his face.

"It was just a dream, it was just a dream, it was just a dream" he repeatedly told himself hoping to make him feel a little better.

He couldn't take it anymore! The recurring nightmares taunted him viscously. His best friend just passed away in front of him! Many people would just brush it off like a piece of dirt but Marco Diaz wasn't one of those people. Star Butterfly was the only one that understood him. What was lost in him, he found in Star and if he lost her, well his body would just shut down. She completed him.

He breathed heavily, deep breaths would echo in the small room. With the back of his hand, he wiped away remaining sweat and tears before he went back to sleep.


Morning eventually approached Echo Creek, it was 10:38 on a Saturday which meant only one thing: no school!

The brunette male arose from his bed and outstretched his arms whilst a loud yawn could be heard. Peculiarly, his bubbly,bright best friend did not wake him up like usual. With a confused look he stepped outside his bedroom and started to look around.

"She's not downstairs."

"Not in the bathroom."

"Not outside."

'Obviously she must be in her bedroom!' Marco thought

Slightly creaking the door open, Marco searched her room. She wasn't there. In fact, his parents weren't anywhere either! Marco looked out the window to find no one on the streets. The town was desolate. It was like he was the only one alive which scared him to death.The teenage boy started to panic, he was alone. He was left alone with nobody to help him. No Star to guide him and reassure him. She was missing. Helplessly, tears flowed out his widened eyes like a waterfall. All he could feel was a sharp pain in his chest and a terrible migraine.

'Someone please, I can't do this! I need someone to help me,'

The air slowly suffocated him as he panicked more. Eventually he couldn't breathe, he began choking as gravity sent his tears to the floor. He tried to shout for help but nothing came out. The boy collapsed to the floor, petrifying him as his panicking increased. The world had stopped, everything around him started to loose colour. He couldn't even keep his eyes open for a minute, the earth started to go dark. And darker. And darker, until Marco could only see the pitch black void. All that could be heard were whispers

"Wake up," He sobbed

"Wake up." He repeated as he took a deep breath in, ready for his last words.

"WAKE UP!!" Someone shouted

Flickering his eyes open, all he could see were electric blue orbs staring at his brown ones.

"Finally! Man, you are a heavy sleeper!" The blonde girl scoffed whilst opening the blinds.

"S-Star?" Marco brought his hand to his face to block out the blinding sun as he chocked out his words.Relief engulfed him with every word she spoke.

"Yeah? Wow, you look like you've seen a ghost! Are you okay?" Star giggled cutely

"....." There was no response, just heavy yet quiet breaths.

"M-Marco, you're scaring me. What's up?" She asked whilst raising an eyebrow

There was still no response. He couldn't act or speak as his throat started to de-hydrate.

"Mar-" that was all she could say before she was tackled in a bone-crushing hug. He stared into her irresistible eyes, not wanting the moment to end.Without thinking, he kissed her. He didn't know why or how he had the courage but he did it!

"THANK GOD YOU'RE OKAY!" He shouted which led to the teenage girl turning red and wanting to question him.

"W-What in t-the world happened to me that m-made you act like this?!"She nervously questioned, still trapped in the embrace and full of shock. There was a period of silence until Marco finally answered,

"You went dark on me."


Yay! I will try to upload more but I have ran out of ideas. So, I will start taking requests! Just private chat with me and tell me your requests!

Also, should I start a book? I don't know, tell me what you think!

See you later!

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