Somewhere only we know

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A young girl sprinted through the woods after another fight with her mother. Only this time, no one was there to back her up. Her father died tragically, due to an illness, a couple weeks before. She felt defeated. She felt alone. She was zig zagging through the forest as if she was following a path. After a few minutes passed, she stumbled upon an old-looking cottage. Without hesitation she swung open the wooden door and ran inside. Tears flowed down her pale face as she grabbed a pen from her pocket and slid out a diary from under the bed. She instantly began scribbling her thoughts down on a page. Because her life was so strict and restrained, she never got to open up her feelings. So instead, she would pour her insecurities and thoughts inside her diary as if it were a person she was close to. One time, she was so scared that her parents would find her oh-so-sacred diary, she locked it away in a box with several keys for several locks. This was her third visit to the cottage this week! Arguing with her mother was starting to become a weekly activity. After she calmed down, she closed her diary, slid it under the bed and started to retreat back to her house.

A week later

The young blond girl began strolling through the forest and make her way to her beloved cottage. She passed a familiar tree and gazed upon the abandoned place. It was an old two-story house, dark green ivy covered bits and pieces of the white brick outside walls. Parts of the roof were missing and a few of the windows were mildly cracked. The 10 year-old girl walked the steps and opened the door. She stepped inside and walked into her room, only to find a brunette boy around her age reading her diary. He looked mesmerised, his eyes wide and wearing a slight smile on his face. The girl looked curious yet horrified, "W-Why are you reading that?" She choked out. At the mention of those words the boy looked up and stared at the girl as if she were a ghost. "O-Oh...I-I didn't know i-it was y-yours. I though i-it was old. U-Um...I'm s-sorry." He blurted out whilst dropping the book to the cold floor with a loud thud. A wave of silence over took the two children until the boy spoke. "So um, is it true?" He asked, the girl looked a little shocked at his question. "W-What?" She rose an eyebrow. "Is it true that you hate your mom? Or that your dad died? Or that you're alone? Or that-" he was cut off by the blond "Okay, that's enough! And....yes it's all true." She whispered whilst staring at the ground. "O-Oh..." another wave of silence overtook the two but not as long as the last time. "Oh gosh! Where are my manners? Let me introduce myself. Hello, my name is Star Butterfly. And you are?" Star smiled, holding out her hand. "Marco. Marco Diaz!" He replied, gladly shaking her hand.

Little did they know, that day was the start of something amazing.

A few years later

The brunette and blond walked together through the woods and down a path that lead them to a cottage. They were finally fourteen! Free and mature (well, most of the time). The two walked into the house and settled down into the living room. Munching down on the cake that Star made all by herself. Oh how he loved her baking, it tasted like heaven! Or at least, what he thinks heaven is. He's going to miss her baking, he's going to miss her. He needs to tell her soon. No, he needs to tell her now! "Hey, Star." Marco took a deep breath in. 'It's now or never, I guess.' He thought. "Hm?" She hummed, her mouth still full of cake. "Uhh, um. Y-You see..." he mumbled, desperately trying to get the words out. Star looked at him in curiosity, "What are you trying to say Marco?" She asked calmly with a hint of wonder. "Well, I...." brief moments of awkward silences filled the room. "You?" Star asked impatiently. "I...I'm moving." The brunette sighed, Star gazed at him in interest. "Oh cool! Where to? The other nearby village? Or the town? I heard that the town is a beautiful place! There's fields and flower shops and sweet little cafés a-and-" she was interrupted by her friend. "Canada. I'm moving to Canada." He smiled weakly, not daring to look at his friend. Star looked at him, wide-eyed and surprised in a bad way. Her blood became cold as a shiver overcame her body. "O-Oh...." She looked away and started to process the situation. "I-I don't want to go. I don't want to leave! My parents are forcing me. I-," "No! It's okay! I'm okay! Everything's fine, please don't worry about me." Star shouted. "I can't help it, Star" he hugged her tightly which took her by surprise. It seemed like forever since she was last hugged. Reluctantly, she hugged back but as soon as she did he broke it. It was hard to see but he had tears building up in his eyes. Suddenly a loud beeping noise filled the room, Marco checked his phone and looked up at the blond teenager sadly. "I have to go. Bye," he sighed. After he left, he was never seen again by Star. Well, for a couple years at least.

6 years later

Star was twenty years-old. Twenty!! Two, zero! She sure doesn't feel it. She still feels young like when she was fourteen. Ever since the 'Starco departure' she hasn't step foot in the cottage. She was afraid of all the sad memories it would bring her. But today was her birthday. Today was the day she'd come out of her teenage years. She wobbled along the green grass and walked to a familiar cottage. 'Just as I remember' she thought to herself. She was right about the sad memories, every step she took the more pain in her chest she felt.


Came the sound of her feet trampling over the cobble stone steps leading up to the once-forgotten, wooden door. Star took in a deep breath and laced her hands around the metallic doorknob.


The door made a creaking sound when she opened the door. She wandered around the house and smiled. Everything was fine until she walked into the bedroom. All she could see was a well known red hoodie and chocolate brown hair. He looked up as if he had just seen a ghost.



That took forever! Over 1k words. So, I wish that I could take all the credit for this one-shot but I got the inspiration by a chapter from 'Lenku one-shots' by shirai-hisa.
They're really good! Lenku is one of my otps and if you're into vocaloids, you should check the ship out. Welp, that's all for now. Bye!

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