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Star groaned, clearly annoyed at the situation she was in. She looked to her right to see her best friend dabbing her eye with a damp cloth. "What on earth happened this time?" Marco spoke first, engulfed with curiosity "Well basically, me and Janna-" she began, "Janna and I," He corrected.
Star scoffed as she was not bothered by her grammatical mistake. "Janna and I, went to the park as you were with Ferg and Al." Star explained, "Why were you with Janna? She's a creep!" Marco complained, "And, a bad influence!" The safe kid added. "She's not a bad influence!" Star whined. Marco sighed in response, looking at her with a weary face. "Just carry on with the story." Marco insisted, Star smiled brightly and cleared her throat.

"We went to the park and we acted as if it were a normal day, because it was! Then, all of a sudden one of my old friends showed up. His name is Daniel-" Star was interrupted by Marco, he glared at her arm as he wrapped a cloth around it and he bit his lip. "Your old friend, was a boy called Daniel? Pfft, what sort of Royal name is 'Daniel' unless he was poor which would make a lot more sense" he murmured under his breath. Star stared at him with suspicion, she raised an eyebrow as lifted his chin so she could see his face. "Are you okay?" Star asked innocently, the brunette rapidly nodded his head and continued to bandaid Star's arm. "Anyway, Daniel was kind and sweet as I remembered, and then...he started to flirt with me and Janna. Mostly Janna." She nervously laughed which got his attention, "Flirting, Are you kidding? And why Janna? she's with Tom!" He  scoffed, "Yep, which lead to the bruises...-" Star took and deep breath but was then again interrupted by a worried safe kid.

"Did Janna hurt you?! Please tell me she didn't hurt you!" Marco shouted. Star looked at him with her eyes wide, shocked at his behaviour. "N-No! She wasn't the one hurting us, it was...Daniel. Oh! But don't worry, most of the bruises happened when I fell out of a tree!" Star answered nervously, clutching her wand just in case he threw a fit. "HE HURT YOU? I KNEW IT! I knew he was no good! Where is he now? I'll go teach him a lesson or two! And-!" Star embraced Marco in a warm hug. "Don't do something stupid that you'll regret. I blasted him, so you don't have to hurt anyone and be punished for it. Okay? I'm fine!" Star smiled. Marco sighed and looked at her, he couldn't resist so he smiled back, "Alright," he whispered as he finished bandaging her up and walked to the stairs,

"Marco wait!" Star called after him, "I almost forgot!" She continued, Marco waited for her to say something but instead he felt something warm on his cheek. Star had just pecked her secret crushes cheek and was now internally screaming about it. "T-Thanks for worrying about me! I won't be as vulnerable next time." She giggled as she raced upstairs and closed her door shut. Marco stood there, rock solid and awestruck. The teenage boy girlishly giggled and walked into his room.

The end.

Only 552 words? Sorry for not updating! That has been spent on my new book 'different?' You should read it! It's a good book. Hope you liked it this oneshot! Bye!

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