Tired Voices

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Heya! This is a sneak peek of my new book 'Tired Voices' which is coming out soon (I hope). I hope you enjoy it.



Marco slumped onto the school chair and tuned out the annoying voice of his English teacher. "Shakespeare....blah blah.....death.....tragedy.....ghosts... Marco Diaz!" The teacher spoke. Marco flinched when he heard his name called. "Y-Yes Miss?" Marco gulped. "What is the name of the story that's about two star-crossed lovers? I mean, you should know as I have been talking about it for the past five minutes. I hope you were listening Mr Diaz." The teacher eyed Marco skeptically, awaiting his answer. "Romeo and Juliet Miss." Marco replied confidently. The teacher looked impressed and turned back to her blackboard to write.

Out of boredom, Marco looked around the room. He was looking at all the posters on the walls and also the students. He started to name them all,

'Ugh. Posh people with their posh names' (A/N: if your name is one of those, don't be offended as I love those names!)
'aaaand....wait who is that?'

His eyes landed on an unfamiliar girl. She had flowing blond hair and piercing, bright blue eyes. She was wearing the 'too-posh-for-any-human-being' school uniform and adorable reading glasses. She was reading a book rather nonchalantly. 'I wonder if she's a rule breaker. She knows she not allowed to read during class!' Marco thought. Before his actions were noticed, and taken the wrong way, his eyes darted to the front of the room. "Ahem. Miss Butterfly?" The teacher coughed. The blond's eyes widened in shock as she looked up at the woman that called her name. She looked terrified 'Poor thing. She shouldn't have been reading in the first place!''. The young girl cautiously took out a folded slip of paper out of her pocket and extended her arm out to the teacher so she can take it and read it. The teacher sighed and grabbed the piece of paper, she unfolded it and examined it carefully. It seemed shocking as the teacher quietly gasped and gazed at the girl in a sympathetic way. "I-I'm sorry Miss Butterfly, please continue." The teacher apologised and weakly smiled at the girl. 'Miss Butterfly' nodded gratefully and resumed to read her book.

Some of the class gave the blond confused looks during class. Marco was honestly shocked and confused himself, but shrugged it off as if it were nothing.


'Thank the lord! The bell has once again saved me from my everlasting torture.' The brunette sighed in relief as he packed his things and practically sprinted to the lunch hall. Fourth period had ended and now it was time for lunch. Marco met up with his two best friends, Ferguson and Alfonzo. "I am so hungry, I could eat a person!" Ferguson drooled, staring at the food on his plate. The other two stared at Ferguson with a concerning look and slightly inched away from him. But who can blame him? The food here wasn't like any cliché Highschool food. It wasn't disgusting meatloaf or giant globs of unidentifiable, 'edible' grub. It was gourmet, high-classed food. Stomach-filling roasts, Spagetti with those little herbs on them, luscious deserts that will actually kill you and send you to heaven. Ferguson immediately, and literally, dug into his food without regret or shame. "You eat like a pig! A farm animal! Y'hear me?!" Alfonzo stated, fixing his glasses. Alfonzo was a very skinny, very scrawny boy. His eye catching feature being his super fluffy Afro and scientific-looking glasses which made his eyes look bigger than usual. His school uniform was very clean and tidy. Alfonzo was also known for his ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and him being a perfectionist. 'Everything has to be perfect!' Was his slogan. Luckily, him and everyone else around him has grown to love his disorder and to be honest, Alfonzo wouldn't be 'Alfonzo' without it. Ferguson on the other hand, resembled a marshmallow. A chubby yet softie, his uniform barely fits him! His messy red hair and freckles brings out the best in him. Although he can be a real handful, he's a really good friend. Having a recent breakup, Marco went from a snarky-smartass to an anxiety-controlled Debby Downer. Ferguson was the one to get him back to the normal Marco. All it took was a couple of days of lectures and motivation to break his trance. Both of Marco's friends were perfect to him and he would never want to change them.

Marco's eyes wandered around and spotted a now-familiar blond and blue-eyed girl sitting along at a table, still reading her book. She was twirling a lock of her hair unconsciously. A half-eaten cupcake (with sprinkles of course!) at the side of her book. She looked completely fascinated! It was as if she were watching a magic show with real magic. Marco heard her quietly giggle, and he wondered what she was reading. Marco, being a nerd n' all, loved books. It was his passion; one day, he wanted to be a teacher or an author. Just the thought of him writing a book that, everyone enjoyed, made him joyful, and hopeful. He caught a glimpse of the cover, it was called, ''A starry night-', "Marco!" Ferguson glared, "O-Oh u-um, yes Ferguson?" Marco asked nervously, this was the second time he was caught off guard! "I was saying that I needed help with studying and I was hoping-" Marco gladly finished his friend's sentence for him, "That I would help you study? Sure!" Marco smiled as he got up to put away his empty plate. The other two copied the brunette's actions and started to move. Marco still couldn't help but glance over at the blond girl one more time. 'I wonder what was on that note' Marco thought. "Ahh, my stomach is filled and we still have forty-five minutes until the end of Lunch." Ferguson cheered, Alfonzo grinned,
"What a good way to start the year!" He laughed. Marco happily sighed, thinking of what this year could bring.

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