The Highway Bride

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A/N: Another inspired chapter... ugh I just don't have any ideas! I need inspiration so if any of you guys have ideas, please let me know! Enjoy,

A woman at the age of twenty four was running down the edge of a highway in nothing but white high heels and a long beautiful, white wedding dress. Tears cascade down her face as she got further away from the church that she was supposed to be wedded in. Out of exhaustion, she stopped running and sat down underneath a bridge. Still near the highway, she ripped off her veil and took off her high heels. The sound of zooming cars was the only thing heard until a soft voice spoke. "You know," the voice began softly, "I never thought that you would have the courage to actually say 'no'." The voice chuckled a bit. The blonde woman looked up to see a half Latino male in a tuxedo. She still couldn't believe that he flew all the way from England just for her. Noticing her silence, he sat down beside her and continued to strike a conversation. "Why were you getting married again? Ever since Highschool you had your eyes set on the 'bad boy Oskar Greason'. But, I guess things change." He saw the sadness in her eyes. "E-Even though it was a forced m-marriage, I still saw the wave of pain and hurt in his eyes when I left. I-I always thought he liked me, I guess.....I guess I was right." The woman finally spoke. "But you didn't like him, right Star?" Upon hearing her name come from his voice, she shivered, remembering their history together. "N-No, Tom's a nice guy and all but.... he deserves way better.'s Jackie? I mean, you did practically followed her across the world, didn't you two 'tie the knot'?" Star spat, how could I forget my best friend ditching me for some skater girl "Nah, falling 'in love' with her was the biggest mistake of my life. She left me for a rich doctor, even though I gave up everything for her." He sighed. "Marco..." she felt guilty, the horrible things she said to him in the past flowing through her mind. "How did you even end up here? On the side of a highway, on your wedding day, crying your eyes out. How?" He smirked at the girl.


'Do you, Star butterfly, take Thomas to be your lawfully wedded husband?' The priest spoke with gratitude and power in his voice. 'I...I-I...' get a grip! You need to shut this down! Now!!! 'I... I can't!' Star looked over at Tom to see his smile drop and his eyes narrow in confusion and anger. She mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' and gazed upon her mother and father. Her dad was silently cheering whilst her mother glared her, ashamed and embarrassed. Star couldn't take it so, with tears in her eyes, she bolted out the church and ran as fast as she could until she found herself on the side of a highway.

Flashback end

"I don't even know anymore," she replied. Marco stood up and held out his hand for her to take. "Well then, c'mon." He urged, Star stared at him in curiosity. "Huh?" She mumbled, wondering what he was planning. "Let's get out of here. Go somewhere else, start fresh in somewhere new. We could go back to England," he offered. Star beamed and nodded, she took his hand. Without warning, he picked her up and placed her on his back. Together they walked to her house to pack. Finally, her dreams came true.

A/N: There! I like this one. It's cute! I hope you enjoyed! See ya soon.

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