Blue and Black

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11 PM

Marco couldn't get to sleep; he tossed, turned, read a book and considered creeping into Star's room to find a sleep spell. In the end, he planned on going downstairs to watch some TV. Luckily for him, it was a Friday so he could stay up as long as he wanted. Creaking the door open, the boy only found silence. He stopped to glance at his best friends door

'She's so quiet when she's asleep, almost the opposite of what she's like awake." He thought as he smiled warmly

He crept down stairs and turned on the Tv, his parents where away for a week so he and Star were alone. He blushed at the thought of being alone with a girl for a week. Calming himself, he decided to watch a movie, a horror movie. All of a sudden a faint blue flash was seen upstairs soon followed by a black shadow. He jolted up from the couch and made his way upstairs

When he reached the top of the stairs he saw a blue shadow enter his best friends room, and the black one fade away.With pure panic he opened the door and gazed upon the sleeping girl and the blue shadow reaching towards her. The black shadow had disappeared, which made him worry. Marco froze as felt a cold half-solid hand on his shivering shoulder. He turned to see the a shadow entity staring at him blankly; eerily, the shadow pointed towards the blond girl which worried Marco as he slowly turned his head to see the blue ghost-like shadow whispering to her.

"What is it now?" Star murmured
Star sat up and outstretched her arms only to stare at the ocean blue creature and pout

"It's 11:30! Seriously, did you really have to wake me up now?" She pouted

The shadow nodded and it's shape became more human-like. Star looked at the other two standing in the room.

"You too? Oh come on guys! Do you really have to gather in my room?" She fake glared at the pair. Marco rose an eyebrow to indicate his confusion

"Oh...I didn't tell you?" Star questioned

"Tell me what?"

"About these two"


"Well, these are the blue and black shadows. The blue takes care of one person and the black one takes care of the other. They are apparently here to lead you to your 'soulmate' or something. And-" by this time Star realised who the black shadow was with and why he was there. Her eyes widen as she had just found

Her soulmate

This was pretty bad tbh 😂 sorry not updating last night. I forgot 😅

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