Star vs the forces of gravity

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Quick a|n *clears throat* I'M BECOMING UNDETALE TRASH!!! HALP! Btw edited by me 🌙
----------------------------------------------Star was doing any normal thing a Mewnian magical princess would do, and that was looking through her magical instruction book. Star was almost dozing off until a page caught her eye. "Ooo, a spell that can let you have as much ice cream as you want! I'm definitely trying this one out!" She beamed to herself.

"Okay, so... Wow this words are difficult to read!"
"Moonia iceterria skybluti-"
Before she could finish the spell an ordinary brunette boy ran in
"Marco you scared the living sunshine out of me!" she scolded whilst punching him in the arm,HARD.
"Oww, sorry Star."He apologised

All of a sudden a blue light covered the room as the two teenagers hovered in the air. "Star.What.Did.You.DO?" Marco asked. "Well..." She began "Star" "Ok, ok. I was supposed to do an ice cream spell but I guess since you scared me I probably said the wrong one and..." "And what?" "Possibly deleted gravity" she nervously laughed. "WHAT!" He screamed.

"This is bad, this is bad, THIS IS TERRIBLE," Marco panicked
The blonde uncrossed her arms and floated towards the magic book, she luckily found a solution to the very bad problem they were stuck in. Star looked out the window to see many people on the streets running/floating and screaming.The 14 year-old female bit her lip and hoped for the best
"Oregonfull groundtion gravitalia!" She chanted.

Fortunately, the civilians descended to the ground and luckily gravity had returned."I...I did it!" Star cheered happily. "Y-You did!" Marco praised gratefully as he engulfed her into a huge hug which rarely happened.

"W-Where are we?" A brown-haired girl asked her twin brother.
"I...don't know, but what I do know is that this is not our dimension" the brother answered.
"Mystery twins?" She smirked
"Mystery twins!" He agreed as they ran off into the streets together

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