Forces Falls

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This is the second part of the previous one-shot
The tween brown-haired girl gazed in awe whilst floating around and taking her surroundings in. Meanwhile her twin brother did not look up from his book, frantically skimming each page to find a solution to their predicament.
"Dipper! Stop being a party pooper and look at this majestic place!" The girl complained. "Mabel, how are you so calm about being in another dimension that we have no knowledge about?!" Dipper snapped. The girl scoffed at her brothers actions until an idea popped into her fantasy-like mind. "How about we ask someone for help?" Mabel smirked. By this point, Dipper had put his book down just to glare at his sister's suggestion, "Mabel are you nuts?! People are going to think we're wierdos who didn't go to school! We can't just go around saying 'Excuse me, but what dimension is this and is this a dangerous place to be in?' now can we?" He explained. But as he took his eyes off of her for a split second, Mabel ran over to two teenagers that looked about one or two years older than her.

"Hello I'm Mabel! And over there is my bro bro Dipper! We need your help," Mabel started. Dipper glanced at his sister and did a double take. She was over by two teenagers and asking them for help, one of the bystanders was a blonde girl wearing a cute blue dress with striped leggings,shark boots and a red devil headband. While her,probably boyfriend, companion was a brunette boy who wore a simple red hoodie,black skinny jeans and brown converse.

'I'm gonna kill her!' He thought

"Mabel!" He half growled and half greeted as he ran over to his sister and her company. "Dipper! Good news, they're going to help us!" Mabel cheered and then turned to the acquaintances "Hi! What are your names?" Mabel asked grinning like an idiot. "I'm Marco and this this is Star" the boy answered whilst the blonde waved. "Cute names! We are from another d-" before she could finish Dipper whacked his hand around her mouth. "A-Another town!" He finished and laughed nervously. Mabel finally got her brothers hand away from her mouth and glared at him. "Like I was saying, we need your help to guide us around and tell us about...whatever this place is called." Mabel requested. "Sure! Oh and this place is Echo Creek!" Star smiled. Star turned to Marco and said "I'll go with Mabel and you can go with Dipper." Star smirked whilst pushing her best friend toward the sweaty tween. Marco openly death glared at Star not wanting two socially awkward boys to interact.

'I'm gonna kill her' Marco thought

"Yay! Bye dipstick" Mabel cheered, walking away with Star

'This will be interesting' the two girls thought
------------time skip----------

"So..." Dipper started
"So..." Marco said, hoping for a not awkward conversation
"Hey, I was wondering...are you and Star together?" Dipper asked innocently. But with that one question sent Marco into a stuttering mess
"Wh-Wha? N-No... I mean... maybe...w-wait, what? N-No we-we are not dating. We are just friends" Marco choked out, biting his lip and sighing at the last part
"So, she's single?" Dipper mischievously smirked
"Don't. You. Dare!" The brunette fumed
"I'm kidding! Geez!" The little boy laughed as his stared at the older boy, who was now as red as his hoodie.

Right at this moment they heard a girl's laughter. They both whipped around to see a giggling Mabel and a scarlet red Star walking their way. "H-Hey!" Star greeted trying to hide her bright red face. Mabel nudged Star and started breaking down in a fit of girly giggles

'I swear if she says one word about our conversation I'm going to kill her'
Star thought and glared at Mabel.

To Star's rescue, Dipper dismissed himself and dragged Mabel to the side to give her a lecture about not ruining people's lives by telling an embarrassing conversation they just had. But unfortunately for Star, he had just left the two burning red teenagers alone. Together.

"I-I think they're going to enjoy it here," Marco smiled, watching over the two arguing

"Yeah, I think they will." Star silently giggled and rested her head on her best friend's shoulder, making him go a deeper red.

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