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I am so fricking sorry for not uploading! School is the worse :/


Marco was confused. He hasn't heard the house this quiet since....well before Star moved in, and he loved all the noise! Because, well, it's Star! Of course he loves her-.....THE NOISE. HE LOVES THE NOISE! Anyway, he got up and started to walk to his best friends door. But as soon as he was about to barge in, he heard a feminine voice whisper/shout a curse word. Which, of course, made Marco raise one of his eyebrows. "Star?" He whispered while knocking on the door. "Shi-" A voice came from the other side, "One second Marco! Just....uh need to....do something." She nervously  answered. It seemed like she was trying to resist something, or someone as he heard punches and kicks coming from the other side. "GO AWAY YOU STUPID CRAZY PERSON!!" She shouted which made Marco worry. Without thinking, he swung open the door to see.....

Two Stars?!? They were very similar as they were the same person. Apart from one had blonde hair that was lighter than Star's, which was quite short. Her eyes were blood red and her hearts were a lighter pink.

"No please! I don't mean any harm! Please. Let me explain!" The second Star pleaded with what seemed like red tears in her eyes. "No! You tried stealing my dimensional scissors!" Star narrowed her eyes, not giving any sympathy to her doppelgänger. Marco couldn't take it anymore "What's going on here?!" He shouted and caught both girls attention. The second Star looked like she had just seen a ghost and was about to break down. While the other one scoffed and rose her eyebrow. "She broke in and tried to steal my dimensional scissors!" Star cried. The second one didn't react as her eyes were focused on Marco and Marco only, which made him weirdly uncomfortable. "Marco?" She choked out. "Uhh yeah?" The brunette replied in confusion. Star glared at her copy. when did she get the right to talk to him? She thought. "B-But h-how?" She stammered. "I thought whenever something major happens in one alternate universe it happens in the rest of them. Just, differently." She whispered under her breath so nobody could hear, but for some weird reason Marco heard. "What was that? Something about alternate universes" there was an awkward silence until the second Star just lunged at Marco and enveloped him a hug.

Marco was above shocked, Star was above furious. After realising what she had done second Star broke away and started to stammer out apology after apology. "Sorry! Oh my gosh I wasn't thinking! It's just that in my universe you died and now you're here! And I just- oh god I'm rambling now aren't I?" She blurted out quickly. "Wait. I died?!" "He died?!" The other two asked in shock. The doppelgänger nodded shyly. "Y-Yeah. I wanted your dimensional scissors so I could start over in a different dimension." The second Star admitted. Star (the actual one) felt guilty, too guilty. She had just lashed out at her copy when she had been through another crap to deal with her. "I am so sorry!" Star said sympathetically, handing over a spare pair of dimensional scissors. "Wait, you've got two?" Marco questioned. "Yeah! Of course I do!" Star beamed proudly.

A few minutes later Marco and Star was about to witness Second Star start over her life. "Thank you for everything! I really appreciate it!" Second Star smiled. Before she was absorbed into the portal, she turned to them and said "By the way, my name is Luna. Not Star or 'Second Star' just incase you were wondering." She giggled. After that, she pulled Star close to her and whispered in her ear. "You shouldn't be so jealous of you're boyfriend, or he'll start to think you're the crazy person" she snickered into her ear which made Star's cheeks heat up and her face to become red.

And that was that. Luna disappeared into the portal and everything was fine. Until....


Well, that was terrible xD anyway. I hope you enjoyed it! If I get around to it, I'll upload more.

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