Star in wonderland

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Alice sighed whilst looking up to the blue sky, "Tell me Hatter, am I crazy?" She asked. "Depends Alice, what makes you crazy?" Hatter smiled, "The fact that I can just... I don't know, escape reality. It's like this is my only safe haven!" She sighed. "I know, it's silly but-" the Mad Hatter interrupted quickly before she could finish her sentence. "Nothing is silly my dear. And yes, you are crazy." He whispered, Alice hung her head in disappointment that she had lost her sanity. "But, I will let you in a little secret." He smirked. "What?" Alice spoke, curiously filling her body.


"All the best people are crazy." Marco smiled. This made Star light up like an actual star. Star burst out laughing as Marco started to tickle her. Some people glanced over at the two just sitting there on a bench in the park and having the time of there lives. After a couple of minutes, the teenagers stared into the sunset on the warm day. Star layer her head on Marco's shoulder and let out a content sigh. Before speaking, she kissed his cheek and broke the silence.

"I love you Hatter."


Awww, isn't that cute! Anyway, I have created a book and it has two chapters. It is called "Different?" If you'd like to read it please feel free to do so. And I shall see you next time

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