☢chapter twelve

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☢ chapter twelve

Ballele nods and they head around the corner to a park. They talk about what they want and also how they're gonna find Audra. While the girls are at the park, the rest of the group is still talking about roaming the streets till they find her. That night, another thing changed. Instead of Margot and Regan just sleeping at different hours, they slept together.

While Brenda, Chelle, Vic and Rema were in the bottom room, and Zanara, Olly, Kai, Melona and Piona were in the room next door. Regan, Margot and Vella were in the main room.

They were staying up late again. It's been almost a full day since Audra ran. They were nowhere close to finding her. They were hoping that wherever she was, she was safe and finding a way back to them.

Truth was she was farther than expected. She hitched a ride from a pack of girls with guns in the back of their truck. That's what she slept on that night, guns. In the morning, the girls gave her a hundred dollars cash, a credit card and shoes.

They dropped her off in some motel they found before they completely exited the town. She only had the cash and the shoes which were on her feet. They were tennis shoes, comfortable and light. Honestly, she thought she was in another city.

Now, she was getting a room in the motel. Getting some strange looks but, she was paying in cash, they were gonna give her service. Once she got up to the room, she laid down. It wasn't like the bed at the hospital, which she missed almost. But that was over now, her old life was over now. She could have killed Olly, and maybe the rest of her friends. What had they done to her?

She was an animal out there. After she ran, she was filled with so much rage. She didn't know how she didn't tear those girls apart. She's thankful she didn't, they were so nice. But would it be so bad if she went back to her friends? They were probably worried sick about her. What was she gonna do anyway? Start a new life in a new town? That's stupid, and just plain wrong.

Audra lets out a sigh as she gets up from the bed, most likely stretching her stitches. She had to contact someone, so she reached for the phone. But she doesn't know any numbers, she never needed to. How was she gonna get back home? She walked out of the room and stood on the public balcony. She stood on there for a while too. Then she went to go please her hunger.

At first there were a lot of choices for her. But they started decreasing and so did the people. She didn't notice until she was the only one on the sidewalk. She looked around, nothing but tall buildings and the wind. What the hell was going on? Where was everyone?

Audra starts screaming out for people to hear her. But no one was listening because no one was there. She jogged all the way to the end of the street and saw it. The road block. from yesterday. That's when everything finally clicked for Audra. She never left the town.

She looked around, smiling. She could go back to her friends. She started running faster and faster. Suddenly, behind her she heard tires screeching. She stopped and turned. It was the government, coming to get her! No way in frickin hell. She was gonna out run them and get to her family.

Who was she kidding with that? You can't outrun a SUV. They caught up with her in a matter of seconds. They probably would have hit her if they didn't want her alive. She looked shocked, why would they take her now? They have nothing. What were they presenting her with now?

A man jumped out the black vehicle, with no gun. He walked up to her, slowly.

"Look, Ms.Roux I want you to come with me. Willingly, if I may ask." He asks her, with a straight face.

"Who are you with?" Audra asks him, now crossing her arms.

"I'm with the association that wants you in one piece." He extends his arm to her.

"And which one is that? The one who beat me up and left me to rot? Or the one who roughed me up a 'little'?" She sneers at him, looking him right in the eyes.

"It's the one where my employer wants you safe and sound and in their grounds." He states back to her, smiling.

"If I don't go are you gonna take my friends? Like you did last time?" She steps back, getting ready to outrun.

"That was not us, but they are controlled now, they're not coming for you anymore Audra." He tells her, putting his hands up.

"So who the hell are you? And how can you just 'control' different organizations?" She nods her head towards him.

"Look, if you'd come with me now, everything will be explained as you're get to base." He gestures to the SUV.

"I'll come with you, right now, if you answer this question." She starts walking to the black SUV.

"What is it Ms.Roux?" He asks her, getting a little frustrated.

"Who's your boss? The one who wants me so badly?" She asks him, getting into the car and strapping up.

"You don't know," He asks as she looks confused "It's your father, Mr. Jerome Roux."

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