◐chapter twenty-one

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◐ chapter twenty one

While group one were walking through the park in the room, group two found themselves in a situation. The vents were combusting, and they were too far in to get back.

"There was a exit back there, we gotta go there." Jared speaks up, for the first time.

"I almost forgot you were here." Ballele sneers at him, flashing a fake smile.

"Are you mad at me?" Jared asks but all he got was silence. "Are you all mad at me?"

"Yes! God! Jared! Audra is- was so broken up about you! You only visited her once and she was left in tears!" Margot screams at him, pointing him out.

"But we all know what she did." He answers back to her.

"Yes! I was right there! Next to you! I saw her run into the building! You may have let her go but i watche-" Margot screams at the top of her lungs, which was loud.

"Margot- I-" He tries to say but Margot butts into his words.

"Don't! Just shut up! As soon as we find her this can all be over." She lets out and starts crawling to the exit.

The group makes it to the exit and they contact the other group to tell them their location. Apparently, group one is stuck in the park with little kids running around, and no of them will talk about Audra. Group one looks around to where they stopped.

"Damn what happened in here? Looks like someone went on a fighting spree." Piona says looking at the blood on the floor and body bags scattered everywhere.

"What if this was Audra? What did they do to her?" Regan asks himself, looking around at the massacre.

"Oh! Nothing to hurt her, just to keep her at bay, Mr.Roux, where she won't hurt anyone." A voice says on the intercom.

"Who the hell said that? Where's my sister? What the hell is this?" Vella screams at the box on the wall.

"Screaming at the box is not helping you, Vellarie. And as for your sister, she escaped." The voice says, in a stern tone.

"Oh god, Audra where did you go?" Ballele murmurs under her breath, hands on her hips.

"We'd like to know too, Ms.Cavanaugh, but she's still in this building." The box screeches as the voice starts changing pitch.

"So you haven't found her yet? Or killed her?" Jared asks the voice in the box.

"No, but we will, soon. Unless you want to strike a deal with me." The voice snickers at them.

"A deal like what? We're all getting out of here, today! One way or another." Piona retorts to the box, her hands balled into a fist.

"If you can get you Audra before we can, you can all leave and we won't come after you ever again." The voice from the box tells them, still changing pitch.

"What?! That's crazy, this place is large and there's more of them than there are us." Margot turns to Ballele and crosses her arms.

"It's a yes or no, Ms.Fallen, if not, well we'll just kill you all, one by one." The group can hear a faint laugh coming from the little box.

"Deal!" Jared screams, causing him to get looks from everyone.

"Jared! What have you done? You just put a target on Audra's back!" Piona shouts at him, walking towards him, getting angry.

"I think there was already a target on her back, either way." Regan says, backing Jared up.

They didn't hear anything from the box after that. They waited a few seconds, but realized that whoever it was, was using this to get a head start. They ran out of another door and started checking all open rooms. Some were locked and some were wide open. As they reached the end of the hallway, they reach the lunchroom.

This is where group one is. Evidently, they stopped for food and were sitting down looking at the blueprint of the building. Everyone sat down at the table and it wasn't long until their voices were loud. Too loud to hear Audra calling them from the cellar, which is right next to the lunchroom. They never heard her actually, because of the big interruption that came next. A big man with just his bare hands came bursting in. Then a small box from the big room started speaking.

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