☢chapter eleven

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☢ chapter eleven

The hours seemed to pass by so slowly without her here. I've been through so much to get here, to be here. My friends sacrificed so much to be here. I don't even know where they are. Or if they got out in time. I wonder if Reed's okay, and Kayla and Jason. Maybe they moved on, to a better life. I take out my phone with my shaky hands. I can call them, hopefully they'll pick up-

I get interrupted by my screen lighting up with a call. Unknown number.




"Are you okay?"

"I miss you so much."

"I know, V."

"How is- are things?

"Good, the organization let us go."

"What? How?"

"I can't exactly say much, but I love you."

"I- I love you too."

"I have to go now,"

"No wait! When will I see you?"

"I don't know if you ever will, Vella."

"I- I love you. Really, I do."

"I love you too."

That was the end of that conversation. Even with Zeke, Vella never felt that with like she did with Reed. That spark. Zeke vanished after the bombs. No one really looked for him. Not even Vella. She was busy with Audra and finding the other group of friends. That wasn't even an excuse. Maybe because it was just puppy love.

What was she doing, thinking about her love life? Her sister was out loose, god only knows what happened to her. Or what's going on now! Vella gets pulled from her thoughts when Regan shakes her.

"Vella, are you okay?" He asks her now sitting beside her in the other chair.

"No, I- we may have just lost our sister. And I don't know where Zeke is, or where my other friends are." She confesses to him, her hands covering her face.

"It's okay we're gonna figure it all out, we just have to think first." He says to her, but mostly to himself.

"Think about what Regan? She's different now, and if she doesn't get taken by the government, she'll go somewhere else crazier." She whispers to him, not looking him still.

"Think about how we're gonna get our sister back home. Even though we don't know where that is." He tells her, removing her hands from her face.

When the group finally settled down, it was weird. They were all free but not really. Audra was still out there and so was Jared. He stopped contacting the whole group all together. No one knew where he ended up but Vella was on that. She wasn't gonna let him walk out of her sister's life. For what? Because his pride got damaged? Audra was gonna go into that building anyway, no matter what held her back.

At first, Ballele wasn't being herself. Which meant she wasn't all in everyone's face, wasn't starting any jokes. Everyone noticed it, but the first one who did was Vella. After enduring about twenty minutes of 'plans' and 'strategies' Vella finally pulled Ballele aside. Ballele seemed to be unphased by this.

"Ballele, I've known you for quite sometime now and I know that when you don't crack jokes, something is wrong." Vella tells her, crossing her arms.

"Just because I don't crack jokes doesn't," She looks at the platinum blonde haired girl "Fine something is going on but I don't know how to say it."

"Do you want to step outside and talk about it? Cause-" Ballele nods, and Vella leads her out.

As the two step outside and down to the parking lot, Vella looks over Ballele. Her arms looked sore, and something was coming up on her neck.

"Vella, I know that you're young and stuff like this really doesn't concern you, but you're my friends little sister and MY friend." She turns to her, fiddling with her hands.

"Tell me! Just tell me before I explode" Vella grabs her by her face, but she flinches. "Ballele.."

"Look, I - it all happened so fast the first time, And then it was happening every few days then everyday." She breaks down, tears coming out like the water works.

"Who was it? Tell me who the hell did it!" Ballele steps back for a second "Sorry, just-um. When?"

"It started before the bomb. He just, I. God! Why am I so weak?" She asks, still tearing up.

"What?! You're anything but weak. You know how many times I've wondered why I couldn't be more like you?" Vella giggles, Ballele lets out a small giggle too.

"Why did I stay?! Why didn't I fight back?! Why didn't I-" Ballele sits on the chock block next to her.

"That isn't important," Vella sits next to her "What is, is what you do now."

"I left him, I had to, I was scared for my life. He went off his way too." She says more relaxed.

"Good, now how about we go somewhere and talk about what we're gonna do after we find my sister?" 

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