◐chapter twenty-three

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◐ chapter twenty three

"You gotta get Peter out of here, he's got Will, I think Will is his brother." Audra says to them, smiling at Peter.

"Audra, we are all getting out of here alive, so cut the crap and let's -" a loud boom interrupts Chelle.

Everyone looks over to the right, it was the man. And he was anything but dead. The man was standing up, fully, like nothing had happened. He closed the door to the old cellar and reached into his pockets. Grabbing a knife, but by then everyone had their guns on him.

"Drop it before we shot! Drop the knife! Now!" Everyone says simultaneously, shouting, holding up their weapons.

"I don't think you'd wanna shoot me, after all I know where Ms.Roux is." He smiles, hands going up away from his pockets.

"Audra's, right here, so try again." Regan cocks his gun.

"Not her, her mother. Patricia Roux, she's in one of the cells." He informs them, looking over to Audra for help.

"He's right, dad heard her screaming once, he knew it was her." Audra says, blankly, getting up, well trying to, Olly holding her still.

"Yeah, and I know exactly where she is, because I put her in one of those cells." He laughs, walking to the door.

"We have to go get mom, and then we'll be done. Actually done." Audra says to Regan and Vella.

"What if it's a trap and she's not there? They already-" Vella cuts herself off with a sharp sniffle.

"She's alive, I know it, she's a fighter!" Regan answers Vella, hugging her side.

"And dad isn't?" Audra questions him, leaning against the wall. "Nevermind, let's just go."

The group walks through one hallway and starts looking through the cells. Most are empty or already filled with loones. As they start getting close to the end of the hallway full of rooms, they keep their eyes on the man. What if he was lying? What was he trying to do?

The faces of the group turn grim and they all start losing hope. But suddenly, they get to the last door. This was it, one way or another they were leaving. Audra's hand starts shaking, panicking to open the door.

She opens it and there she is. All dressed in yellow, and sitting in the corner. Once she sees Audra stepping into the room and Regan and Vella in the doorway, she gets up.

They walked into the hallway and all that was heard were cheers. The man did try something, though. He tried to grab ahold of Peter. But obviously that didn't go well. Ballele came for him as quick as lightning.

She threw him down on the floor so quick. From there, Peter didn't go far from her side. As for the man, Melona and Piona knocked him out. After that, they put him in the cell and locked the door.

That was it. Well not entirely. As they all got into the elevator, Audra passed out. From all the walking and god knows what was laced in that bullet she almost hit the floor. Luckily, Margot and Zanara caught her. They all rushed outside, running Audra into the vans outside. From there, that was it.

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