☢chapter sixteen

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☢ chapter sixteen

The person in front of Audra was quiet, too quiet. She had ordered her to take her to her father, But that was four doors ago. What is she was setting her up? How many people would she have to kill this time?

"Any other agent would have tried to kill me already or give me up. What the hell's wrong with you?" Audra asks the unknown hostage.

"What they did to you to your father that was wrong. I don't like it here. I will gladly take you to where he is and get you out," The soft voice says to her, hands still up and shaking.

"I'll put the knife away, but if you run or scream I will kill you, got it?" She turns the person around, It's a young boy, too young to understand why this is happening.

"I didn't know you were so young, I" Audra stops and looks him in the eyes. "I'm sorry I thought you were-"

"A grown up? They dressed me like them too. I don't know why." He tells her confused.

"Tell you what, what's your name?" Audra asks him, actually caring for him now.

"It's Peter, Peter Karch." He smiles and pulls out his hand.

"I'm Audra, and you and me are getting out of here. I bet you have a family out there that misses you." She says shaking his hand and smiling back.

"Just my brother, Will. I just wished he would have found me by now." The boy shrugs and keeps walking.

But Audra, she's frozen. Will? There no possible way that the Will he's talking about is the same Will. Nurse Will. No way. She stops thinking and continues walking with the boy. They walk all the way past four more doors and then they stop. It's a big black door, just a handle on it. He looks at her and she opens the door. There he was, chained up all the way in the corner.

She runs to him, pulling on the chains instantly. She's putting all her weight and mind into it but nothing. He starts telling her to leave him, but she can't. She won't.

"Please! Dad! You have to try!" She says getting frustrated that the chains are not breaking.

"Audra, just take the kid and go. You have more to live for." He whispers to her, looking her in they eyes.

"No! Dad! I can't do this," Audra starts shaking her head, breaking down. "You have to be with me! Please!"

"Audra, listen to me!" He embraces her, hard. "You need to go."

"But what about mom?" She asks herself, where was her mother?

"Your mother? She was with you? Where is she?" He asks her, looking like he's about to burst through those chains.

"I don't know she went looking for you, and she never came back, never called." She whispers to him, the bad thoughts of what her mother could be enduring right now.

"I- I think I heard her! One night there was this new patient, she was screaming my name!" He starts putting the pieces together.

"It was her?! Are you sure?" Audra asks him but before he can answer he interrupts himself.

He starts tugging on his chains, and tells Audra to get back. She exits the room, standing next to Peter. Before she knows it, he's busting out of his chains. Some marks are on his wrists but he just runs out the room. From there Peter, Audra and her father run all the way to the exit.

This was it, they were gonna make it. They reach the end of the hall way after going through many doors. Audra opens the door, quickly, ready to leave, but her face falls flat. She's met with a room full of men and women in all black, sitting around eating.

They all stop what they're doing and look at Audra and Peter and her father. She made a mistake opening that door. She closes it faster than she opened it and grabs Peter from the floor. His feet being lifted off the floor and dangling in the air.

She and her father start running back from where they came from. It was better than wherever the hell they were now. Her father got in front of her, opening the doors they went through. They could easily lose them, but it wouldn't be long until they found out where they were.

A few minutes later, they end up being in the art room. She sets Peter down, telling him it was going to be okay. But she knew better, it wasn't. How the hell was she going to get out of this? She sat down next to Peter, catching her breath. She laid her head on some painting. She was in the process of thinking when Peter sprawled himself across Audra and closed his eyes.

How could they get out of here alive? How could she help this little boy? How was she going to see her family again? Her mother? She kept hitting her head on the painting until her father looked at her. But something was off. Why was it that when she was hitting the painting, there was no wall behind it? She moved Peter a little over to the side and lifted the frame.

There was no wall, just a huge square shaft. More like a way out. She woke Peter up and told him to start crawling. The three of them were going to stay in these vents until the whole search blew over. They made it far enough from the room and started to take a rest. Audra opted out of this of course but, only because she needed to hear if someone was coming.

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