☢chapter fourteen

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☢ chapter fourteen

"Dad! What are you talk-" Audra got jolted by what seemed to be a woman's hand.

She's being pulled back into a room, away from her father. She starts screaming for him but he can't hear. The last she saw was him also being taken by the same people. They threw her into a room. Her only light source, was a slit of window. What could be happening?

She sat, her back beside the wall. She just got her father back, was she gonna lose him again? She started naming the states to keep from over thinking. Once she got to New York, the door opened. It was the woman who came for her the other day. The one she threw against the car. How was she okay?

"Get up and come with me, right now or you'll never see your father again." She speaks to her with a low tone.

"Okay! Okay! I'm coming!" Audra gets up and the lady cuffs her.

She walks Audra all the way to the elevator. They only go up one floor. The lady pushes Audra in the front of her. Keep walking, she says as she pushes her more. They walk into this room where there are more computers than she can count. The people are scrambling around, making calls, throwing away files.

When she looks around, all these people seem easy. She could kill them all with the cuffs on. A person brushes past her and she suddenly sees Martha. Martha is just standing there nodding her head. Audra makes a face at her. Then she sees her gesture. She's got her finger going across her neck. Kill them.

One swift move and the lady who put her in cuffs head is hitting the wall. She then runs to the next person. Using her cuffs she strangles them. She feels someone grabbing her, so, still choking the life out of someone she wraps her legs around them.

She then knocks her head into their nose. As she's finished with them, she finishes choking her other victim. The rest of the people were easy. She just swung her legs around and knocked a few of them out. She also sucker punched a handful of them. A few others were running out of the room already. The rest, she pushed out of her way.

She saw a glass window. But she's been trained to know that these are two way mirrors. She starts pounding on it, screaming. Then there's total silence in the room.

"Give me my father! Or this whole place will be gone by tomorrow!" She screams at the window.

She waits a few seconds, calming down. Her breathing was very quick, after all she did just take out fifteen people. When she looks around, confused why her demands haven't been met, she sees the gas. She starts pounding on the glass faster and harder. The gas soon fills up the whole room. Audra collapses onto the cold stone floor. Still murmuring something.

"Give me my Dad- Give- Me- my da" Then she falls out.

After her attack, she was sent back to the room. She doesn't know how long she was in there. Every once in awhile, she almost choked someone through the slit. One day, a person came in while she was out and cut her hair. No one dared to come in when she was awake. They were scared of her and they were scared for their lives. She could kill someone with her bare hands. She already did actually.

It had been fourteen days. Everyday she thought about her father. Her mother. Regan. Vella. Her hair still maintained its shortness, they must have kept it trimmed. They gave her food, if you call ham and cheese sandwiches for everyday food. They never knew but she was building a shiv out of forks. She kept it on her, incase they came in when she was awake.

Then it happened. Someone came in when they thought she was sleeping. Truth is, she'd been changing her sleeping schedule for this exact moment. As soon as the guard put her food down, that was it. She crept up behind them and held the shiv to their throat.

"Get me out of here and I won't kill you." She whispers to the person.

"Please, please, I'll do it. Just be careful, Please!" The voice pleads with her.

"Let's go! up! Get me the hell out of here and to my father!" Audra whispers and leads her up.

The person leads her past several doors. No one was here, it seemed. Everything was going well.

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