Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

We arrive at the doctor's office fifteen minutes early. Once inside Kristi is quick to take a seat in the waiting room while I check in with the receptionist. She hands me a clipboard with a few papers to fill out. I go and sit down in the empty seat next to Kristi. I try to give Kristi a smile but she's too involved with the magazine she grabbed from the table beside her.

I finish filling out the forms and turn them in and wait for my name to be called. The silence between Kristi and I hasn't changed. She still hasn't said a word but I haven't either reach for her hand and hold it tight in mine as I give her a smile. She looks up at me giving me a faint smile back and then looks back at the magazine. I don't know if I'm supposed to apologize or if she should. I wasn't the one that was lying about hiding a friendship. Yes, I brought it up and regret it but wouldn't she feel betrayed if I did the same to her?

"Will you talk to me?" I ask.

"I don't want to talk right now Loren we'll talk at home." she says before I see the door open.

"Loren Aderson?" a woman in her late thirties calls from the door entrance.

I get up and walk to the door following the woman inside as Kristi walks behind me. The woman gives me a weird look when she realizes I'm Loren. I ignore the look not in the mood to be judged by someone right now. She stops in front of the scale to check my weight. I stand on it and watch as she moves the beam on the scale. She writes my weight down and leads us to the room. "The doctor will be right in." she says with a smile walking out of the room.

I sit on the edge of the exam bed looking over at Kristi who’s siting on the chair next to me. "Kristi, I'm sorry okay? I do trust you. You just have to understand you hurt me then and I don't want to be hurt again especially now." I tell her.

"I know I'm sorry too. Let's forget about it and be happy. We finally get to see our baby." she says with a smile.

"Okay." I reply smiling back.

There's a knock at the door and the doctor walks in shutting the door behind her. "Hi, I'm Dr. Bridget. So you must be Loren?" she says looking directly at me.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you." I reply shaking her hand.

She stands looking over my file. "So I see you're pregnant. Congratulations, so are you taking your prenatal vitamins?” she asks.

I nod my head yes trying not to feel as uncomfortable as I do right now. She walks over to the right of me to the ultrasound machine. "So are you both excited to see your baby?" she asks looking over at Kristi and me.

"Yes, we are." Kristi answers with excitement.

"Just lay back and pull your shirt up for me Loren." Dr. Bridget says.

I move scoot back on the bed and lay down pulling my shirt up, a little nervous but happy for the most part. "Okay this will feel a bit cold." Dr. Bridget says as she squeezes the gel on my stomach moving it against my stomach with the device. "There is your baby." Dr. Bridget says pointing at the screen.

I look over and see my baby, our baby on the screen. She turns the volume up on the screen and I can hear the baby's heartbeat. None of it felt real until now. "Would you like to know the sex?" she asks.

I look over at Kristi who is smiling yes without having to say it. "I don't want to know but you can tell her." I reply.

Dr. Bridget prints out two pictures and hands them to us. I wipe my stomach and pull my shirt down. Kristi walks over to Dr. Bridget who whispers the sex of our baby. Kristi smiles and we walk out of the room.

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