9: NightRide NightMare

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AN: I did not feel it was important to create a chapter detailing the time between the last chapter and now, as it was a long tirade of mostly training and what not. Basically the same thing over and over with not much going on...
The pick up for this chapter is pretty self explanatory too.

A couple of clarifying points however:
-Lyn has gone on to meet the majority of the other Batman associated characters ( Red Robin, Batgirl, etc.), but due to the fact that that's a lot of characters I am leaving them out for now
-Lyn has also been training extensively with Damian and Dick, and also both Tuffy and Sitdka
-The blueberry incident has not been forgotten, Jason still has payback coming...
Carrying on to the story! :)
Time since discovery: 4 months

Basic skill set:
-advanced self defense, medical assistance, bo staff, hand to hand combat, advanced computer knowledge, toxicology, tactical planning, operation of heavy machinery

Advanced skill set:
- artistic rendering, memory, vehicular operation, self defense basics, equine training and riding, human behavior, intuitive body language reading, quips, knife throwing, listening and observation

Time in field: none

Status: permanently inactive

Other notes:
-despite personality clashes, she has the uncanny ability to get along with anyone
-holds an incredible natural pain tolerance without training, only increases through experience
-highly aware of personal body language
-cool tempered, lack of hotheaded moments
-retention of large amounts of information over small amounts of time
-motivated without guidance from dark emotions, brighter instead

Suggested Tactics: Unknown as of yet

I watched on the screen of the Batcomputer as the video cameras went black and Nightwing and Robin's coms went offline.

"Robin!" I pressed my headpiece frantically, "Nightwing! Come in!"

No response from either of them. Batman's signal wasn't pinging anymore either. It had abruptly shut off twenty minutes after his com had stopped responding, and now I was experiencing radio silence. Crap on a cracker was an inelegant understatement at this point.

I whipped off my headset, put it on speaker and paced the cave furiously.

"Alfred what do we do? There's no one to call and all three of them are- there's no one to call..." It occurred to me that there was someone to call.


"Miss Walker, I don't like the way you're thinking," Alfred grasped my shoulders and looked me in the eye. His eyebrows were scrunched with worry, "I know they're in trouble, but you are not trained and Masters Damian and Wayne would never forgive me if I let you walk out there. Besides, you have no method of transport, no gear-"

"I'm going. I have transport," I shook off his hands and strode to the spare gear locker in the Batcave.

"There is nothing for you to get there in a manageable fashion, all of the vehicles are out in the field-"

I whirled around, "I have two genetically modified horses sitting out in that barn, both of them are capable of speeds up to 120 miles per hour! On top of one of them I will be fine, what do you think I spent all of my time training them to do?"

Alfred was dumbstruck, but I didn't relish in his expression. Instead, I twisted back around, grabbed the set of body armor Damian had been teaching me to use, the mask Dick had jokingly gifted me and one of the utility belts the Batfamily (as Dick jokingly called everyone) were so found of using. I stripped out of my outer garments and pulled on the black and red body armor. It was no superhero outfit, but it would provide me with protection. I clicked the belt around my hips and swiftly braided my hair away from my face with a French braid before applying the mask over my eyes.

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