27: What are Friends For?

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AN: Woah... it has been seriously long since I last updated... greatest apologies on my behalf! School's been keeping me busy, but I promise the story is still ongoing! And I can't believe it's passed 2K reads- it's blowing my mind, seriously. So, without further waiting here's the next chapter,
- Felicity Amber Grimm


An elevator. There was an elevator that went down to the Batcave. Apparently, Alfred used it all the time.

Apparently, Dick Grayson enjoyed making me feel awkward.

Sometimes I wondered how he had survived this long... but I couldn't dwell on the fact too much. We got to the Batcave and Damian and I were scrambling to get into our gear, though admittedly I was doing most of the scrambling; he was pretty composed.
There was a lot of muttering from my end.

Park, Damian, and Arianna were waiting once I'd finally gotten my gear on. Damian was actually smiling and both of my friends looked a little smug.
"What?" I said.

Arianna put her hand out for me. On her palm was a smooth cased flash drive, just like the one I had plugged into the Cadmus facility.
"It's a coding override. Once you two are up there, the rest of the team is going to keep Superman busy and inject him while you plug this thing into the main computer. It'll use the Justice League's system to recode the old nanos with the new ones."

"I don't understand."

"-tt- Walker," Damian started.

"I understand the plan," I clarified, "just not why you're okay with us going up there after what happened. I'd think you would be with Alfred on this one."

Park shrugged. "It's gonna take everything we've got to even inject Superman."

"If no one's there to plug this in the moment he's injected, its all for nothing." Arianna added. "If you guys stealth it to the computer first, then bingo."

"That much easier and safer." I concluded. I gingerly took the drive from Ari and put it into my utility belt. "One more thing though, how do we get out there without Alfred using his butler laser vision?"

Damian's smile grew smug. "Your friends have arranged a separate meeting place since Pennyworth contacted them."

"You'll be meeting them at the... zeta tube? That's what it was called, right? Anyways, the location is programmed into the gps in your saddles. You'll have to explain the situation, but I think you and Robin can handle it." She glanced at Park.

Park let out the same piercing whistle I used to summon my horses. From the tunnel driveway came the distinct clattering of hooves, and then suddenly Tuffy and Sitdka exploded into the cave fully geared up. They came to an excited stop a few feet shy of running us over. Tuffy shoved Damian playfully with her nose.

"Figured you would need them too." Park shrugged.

"You're the best," my heart swelled.

"Just make it back alive, okay? I can't handle going to your funeral again." Arianna said darkly.

"Ditto," Park added, "And here, you're going to need these," she reached into her pocket and produced a pair of syringes filled with glowing green liquid, "Its the rest of Batman's concoction, kryptonite I think."

I nodded and put the syringes gingerly into my utility belt. "I'll do my best. And guys? If I don't make it back? I love you," I said, hugging them quickly. It was harder to let go this time than all the other times I had gone into Cadmus facilities. I glanced over at Robin, "Let's ride."

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