23: Earlier that Evening...

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AN: Awe yeah! I've finished the next chapter! :D
Carry on.
- Felicity Amber Grimm

-3 or so hours before the concussion-

"So I take it we aren't involving Red Hood on this one?" I asked Damian.

Dick answered for him. "After the stunt you guys pulled? You'll be lucky if Bruce will ever consider you seeing Jay-Bird again, much less working with him."

I blinked. It hadn't occurred to me that Batman would put up 'parental blocks' on my socialization. "But we work really well together."

Park snickered from the Batcomputer with Ari.
"Heh, they work well together..."
Even Damian smiled at that.

I threw my gloves at her head and let the subject drop.



My head was throbbing like I had put it in a meat grinder set on pulverize. It hurt so bad my stomach was cramping. I moaned.
"I feel like crap."

Someone barked a short laugh. "Um, yeah Lyn. That's what happens when you get a severe concussion."

"Ja- Red Hood?" I peeled open my eyes, wincing at the painful light. It blinded me, so I couldn't see or tell where I was. I tried to sit up.

A firm hand held me down. "How's about no."

Considering the pain in my skull and nausea in my gut? He was probably right.
"Okay." I conceded, blinking and trying to focus my eyes. It took a few seconds, but Jason's unmasked face came into view. He seemed bemused, if a little worried. The world behind him materialized a little later, showing a... Regular, somewhat cozy, if lonely, studio apartment. "Um, where are we?"

Jason took his hand off my shoulder. "Safe house."


-Less than a half hour before concussion-

Everything was going according to plan until someone hit the alarm system. That someone not being me or Nightwing or Robin, but a disgruntled employee stumbling out of the bathroom and happening to be right next to the emergency panic button.
The bad luck of the situation? Astounding. The odds that it was going to happen when I was around? Fairly decent.

Sound exploded from every orifice of the hallway.

"Can I officially say we're screwed now?" I asked, ducking down as the lights began to flash.

"Shut up, Nightrider." Robin hissed. "We have a mission to complete."


But I didn't get to finish my sentence, because Nightwing grabbed my arm and hauled me from the floor. "We have company."

Indeed we did. From the doors leading deeper into the complex, agents came storming out. They were clad in black and so not happy to see us. How many fights had I been in at that point? Less than a dozen?

I was definitely the weak link in this situation.

"Hi fellas!' Nightwing said brightly, twirling his escrima sticks. "Didn't expect to see you here. So how's you're evening been going?"

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