Epilogue: Last Letter Home

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Hey, mom and dad,
I'm writing this to you because, well, I'm not dead. I promise this isn't some sort of joke, I'm alive. Really.
Some fluke of luck, but Park and Arianna figured it out first...

I don't know how to explain why I did what I did, or how everything happened, really I don't, but I wish I had a better explanation. The most I can give you is that I fell in with the wrong side of things and ended it the way I did to save you all. Everyone I love. And it wasn't mafia or drugs or anything like that- so don't freak out. It had to do with protecting people outside of just me, and you, and everyone I care about.
And maybe that's a good enough reason to do anything. You did tell me to change the world you know.

I'm stronger now than I was when I left; maybe safer, maybe not- suppose it all depends on what I do with the rest of my life. Though I've got a suspicion it'll be pretty interesting. Ari and Park helped me deal with everything when they found me, though, so my original reasons aren't so, hm, after me we'll say. I'd love to tell you I can come home now.

But I can't. Not for forever anyways. It's best if the world still thinks I'm dead.

The organization we ruined has contacts everywhere who would love to get their hands on me if they knew I was still giving them grief, and by extension they'd like to get their hands on you to hurt me. But don't worry. I can take care of myself.

Enough of the depressing news though. I want you guys to know that I made friends. And yeah, they're a weird hodgepodge of tragic backstory, as I always loved to call it, but they're like family. A trio of crazy brothers if you will- even though they aren't blood related as far as they tell me. I can't give you names you understand, but maybe someday I can introduce you. Hopefully.
You'll be glad to know I found a place to ride too, and you'll never believe it, but I found Tuffy again! I think that's the biggest miracle of this life to be honest. She's a little different than you remember but it's still her. And we even managed to find what she was really good at this whole time, since I'm sure you remember we could never figure it out. I hope you still go up to the barn at home. You need it as much as I ever did, even if you don't realize it.

My benefactor- wow, that is so weird to call him- he says I need to have a normal life again. Well, mostly a normal life (I'm not going to go into detail on what I've been doing in the meantime, but it's not exactly career worthy). So I might be going back to school again, not sure yet though. Here's to hoping I can manage it. But my benefactor promised to fund it if I do go back, so no worries about the money trail leading back to you and yada yada yada.
But I'm pretty sure that's not really important to you right now, considering your 'dead' daughter is writing you a letter...

I should wrap this up. But I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am, sorry I hurt you and couldn't tell you. I love you so much. You have to understand that's why I fell into this mess and why I can't come home. I promise I'll visit, but it might be a while after all the hoopla we kicked up where I am now. Ari and Park will help you sort through some stuff and I sent my sister her own letter, so this one is for you.

I promise I'll try to stay out of trouble, you know me. If you ever need anything... give a call and I'll come running. Galloping. Always.

I love you!
Your daughter,
- Lyn Walker


The end

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