25: League it Alone- Or Don't

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AN: hello my people! I'm back! Seriously sorry for the slow update 😬 I've been swamped with school recently and it took a ridiculously long time to get this chapter together... But, whiteout further ado, the story must go on!
Thanks for your patience!
- Felicity Amber Grimm

Time Since Discovery: 11 months, 2 weeks, 2 days

Skill Set:
~See last entry~
Exception: was previously thought to be capable of operating a motorcycle. This has proven false, do not let her near

Additional Notes:
- Motivation appears to be outwardly guided by loved ones, greater good
- Does not follow orders particularly well
- Needs work on assessing risks to personal wellbeing
- Keeps managing to get Red Hood involved somehow

Status: currently off duty due to sustained injury

Codename: Nightrider

Batman's condition did not improve after the last traces of serum were removed from his body.

In fact, he got worse.

"The after effects present much like intense addiction withdrawals." Ari said with a glance at Damian. "At least, as far as we know. The biological portion wasn't really my area of expertise..."

Bruce nodded, now sitting down in a chair upstairs. Damian was on the sofa next to him and me. Party on the couch of sidelines superheroes!- then again though, I was willing to bet good money the Batman wasn't going to settle for bedrest...
Though, Bruce's eyes did seem a little glazed over and if I hadn't spent so much time in the house, I wouldn't have recognized it for immense pain.
"Any other side effects from the neural transmitters?"

"You might get some memories back if Cadmus screwed around with your mind while you were doing something they ordered, but your file was inactive aside from the original dosage administered. Any coding on those chips wasn't activated yet. Just... waiting."

"Were there any that have been activated?"

Arianna smiled, half relieved. "There's a bunch, but only one on the Justice League trio has been actively used. The other two people they dosed didn't work out so well... one's metabolism inexplicably burned through the bio component and made the transmitters useless,"

Bruce nodded. "Flash."

"The other guy was a telepath already and apparently not human... so the mind control stuff was moot. Cadmus really didn't do a very good job picking people. I mean, some of the other listed victims are just random civilians even after running them through your databases."

"Which league member is the active one?"

That's where Arianna paled. "He wasn't put down under an alias, just his hero name. Either they didn't know or they didn't care about his day job."

All things considered? It was probably the one person who could destroy the planet in a heartbeat. Because that's only ever the logical explanation when one gets in over their head; it's either a paper cut or a building explodes on top of you. There is no in between.
I sighed and leaned back into the couch.
"Screwed over as a happy thought in Gotham city?" I asked.

"Yeah... the active member is Superman." Ari said.

Boom. Called it.


Why is it always Superman? I mean honestly, the world goes into crisis and it's because an inhuman guy could pulverize the planet, and it just so happened to be happening again. It was almost as if someone was writing a bad storyline and couldn't come up with a better option.
And trust me, I'd done a lot of reading. I knew what I was talking about.

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