30: The Gang's All Here

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All right my people, four parts left after this. I finally finished and will be updating in the course of the next week or so. Thank you all so much for being with me through this ride,
- Felicity Amber Grimm

"Did... you... inject..." I managed to squeeze out. And then Superman dropped me to deal with Jason instead. My body slammed to the floor and I sucked in a painful breath of air.

Red Hood tuck rolled out of the way. "No!"

Was I surprised? No, no I was not, but my stomach dropped out anyways.

Jason narrowly missed getting his head smashed in, saved only by a metal rod flying out of nowhere and into Superman's skull. Superman lost interest in Red Hood, turning around and get a face full of Nightwing's boots. Jason rolled out of the way and the Kryptonian hit the wall he'd tried to flatten him against. Nightwing flipped out of his kick and sprang away.
"Please don't die again. Once was enough and I can't deal with you making any more jokes about it."

"Oh yeah," Red Hood fired at Superman, "as if that's really something I have control of over here!"

Mind clearing up due to beloved oxygen, I peeled my attention from the fight. We needed a plan. We needed options.

We needed a way to inject Superman. Like, perhaps, a second injector?

"Keep him distracted!" I yelled.

"What do you effing think we're doing?! Dancing?!" Red Hood said. Except he didn't say effing.

"Don't know what you've got in mind," Nightwing narrowly missed getting his head taken off by a fist, "but please hurry!"
The sudden appearance of Batgirl saved him from further injury as she tackled him around the middle and out of the way.

"Robin! Is it up?!" I yelled towards the ceiling hole. His answer? A slender body hurling itself at Superman (with all of the wrath of being kept from the fight for five minutes).

"It's up!" Robin snarled. Tuffy and Sitdka appeared above the hole, neighing anxiously at having lost their charge. I sat in stunned silence for a moment, dizzily digesting the pint sized carton of rage joining the fight.

"Tuff, Sid, find Batman!" I yelled, shaking the blur from my brain. My horses scrambled from the hole. Okay, a plan. Fuzzy fact check:

Our other leaguers were MIA. Bats was out for the moment. The basics of my team were the rest of the batclan minus Alfred- and Robin's pets- but none of us had super powers to deal with a kryptonian. I had a second injector in my utility belt, loaded and ready to go, but no feasible way of getting close enough to stab it into Superman without getting killed. Though-
I could throw it.
My aim was pretty decent with knives and baterangs after much practice, how different could a syringe be? Then again though, someone still needed to depress it after it was in...

An idea clicked into my brain just as flash came zooming into the room carrying Green Arrow bridal style. The archer let off a volley of arrows whilst going fast enough to add motion sickness to my already nauseous head- and I wasn't even the one moving. Said arrows exploded against Superman with little effect.

The gang's all here, I thought briefly before speaking into the com of my helmet and praying it worked this time.
- "Red Hood, I have a plan"-

- "I am ten feet from you,"- Jason bit out, firing his gun, -"do you have something against regular speech?"-

-"Is there a code word for creating a diversion?!"-


-"When I give the signal, tell everyone"-

There was a pause in his firing that nearly got him killed as I watched from my lonely spot on the floor. He didn't answer though, aside from that pause. I hoped this worked. Prayed it would; otherwise, we weren't  going to be walking away from this fight.

I sucked in a painful breath. Even if it did work... In all technicality, I was already dead. Going out in service to friends seemed a good way to go for a second round of Lyn Walker vs. Cadmus. I got to my feet. Flattened to the wall, I looked for an opportunity. If I waited too long though? Not a good option.

Flash set down Green Arrow ten feet from me in a swirl of blustering red and I found my moment.

"Arrow!" I hissed at him.


"Hey! Cadmus!" I bellowed over the chaos. "I'm the one you really want!"
My ribs, and head (gods, my head), barked in pain. I swayed but held steady as Superman's gaze swiveled around.

About that point I prayed Cadmus hadn't figured out the laser vision. I pulled my helmet off.

"I trashed your plans and you know it! Don't you want to know what I know?"

Cadmus very much did. I blinked and two hands were once again wrapped around my ribcage. He squeezed.
I yelled. "Signal!" And my voice cracked off into a scream.

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