15: Jason's Swivel Chair Conversation

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The first thing I did upon entering friendly territory was to jump my horse through the secret entrance into the Batcave.

(After I had dropped off creeper mc'creepy pants at the nearest precinct on my way back. He was starting to come to when I slipped him off of the back of my saddle, but things had gone okay as far as I could tell. Giving criminals to the police was protocol right?)

But I didn't put Sitdka back in the barn. If I was going to get my butt handed to me for reckless behavior, then I sure as hell was going to have my horse there for moral support.

Yet after Sitdka and I had hauled tail down the Batcave's entrance tunnel, we emerged to find no Batmobile in sight. Maybe they were out looking for me?
Better yet- they had gone out on their own for some other mission and I was alone for the foreseeable future. Which would have been long enough for me to come up with a good defense and prepare for the grilling sure to come. Yes. Yes this was good.

It would also be time to figure out the whole mess with Park and what the hell I was going to do about it. What exactly was the protocol on best friends finding out you're not dead by discovering you're moonlighting as a superhero?

I sighed and brought Sitdka to a halt in the middle of the training area.
"I'm so screwed Sid."

Jason wheeled out from the side of the Batcomputer, hands folded and elbows on his swivel chair armrests.
"Yes. Yes you are."

I yelped. Sitdka merely flicked his ears tiredly.
"Holy- JASON! You gave me a heart attack!"

He just stared at me, unamused, "That's not the only thing you're going to get this evening. Bats is gonna eat you alive when he gets back."

Joy and rapture. I sort of figured it would go down that road.
"... And you?"

"You should have called, Lyn. Even if you were mad at the rest of the idiots-"

"He told me I was never going to do anything! Of course I was mad!"

He gave me a glare reserved for the darkest of situations and I shut right up.

"I don't care if you were pissed. Next time you call. I understand how you felt- but recklessness will get you killed, especially when you're a newbie! Believe me, I know!"

As if he was agreeing with Jason, Sitdka turned his head around to look at me accusingly.
Stupid genetically modified horse. Stupid Jason with his stupid logic.

I sighed.
"Okay. I'm sorry. Really."

The glare that held so firmly on Jason's face melted into something more friendly. Still irritated and ready to kick my butt, but less likely to shoot me in the knees. "Good." He wheeled back over to the computer.

I dismounted from Sitdka, legs feeling a little jello-y after being in the saddle so long, and pulled off his bridle. From there I let him go, trusting that he wouldn't do much except maybe follow me.

I slipped my mask off and walked over to Jason's seat in front of the computer.
"So, um, did Nightwing call you or... Something? Because after I turned my com off- I didn't see anyone for the rest of the night. No random visits. I kept expecting them to pop up and drag me back, but no one ever showed up."

"You turned off your com." He muttered, as if that was the obvious answer.

"So I didn't have to listen to a Bat lecture. But the tracking was still on."

Jason swiveled in his chair to cock a single eyebrow at me.


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