5: Suspicious Really Suspicious

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We were at the barn, despite the bitter cold, with Sitdka and Tuffy when things started to get suspicious again.

"I don't think I can feel my toes anymore," I mused to Damian from atop Tuffy, "You cold too?"

I was bundled up like a human burrito in like seven layers, freezing but still okay with being outdoors for some reason. Horse back riding in all weather does that to I person I supposed. Meanwhile, Damian was wearing less layers as far as I could tell, but he didn't seem bothered by the cold.

"Pah, no Walker I'm not cold. I grew up in a less hospitable place than this, cold doesn't bother me as much as it does you," he asserted from atop Sitdka, breath clouding.

I urged Tuffy into a trot.
"Excellent, when I'm a Popsicle later we can snuggle for heat!" I couldn't see his scowl but I was sure it was there.

"Keep dreaming Walker, it's not going to happen." He caught up and we rode side by side at a trot till we reached the arc of the end of the arena. I pushed Tuffy into an about face and peered at Damian.

"Damian, how come you call me by my last name?"
For a moment he blinked as if it was odd that I didn't know. The air grew heavy as he thought, the only sound the breathing of our horses and the clouds of steam from our own created heat. I could have popped the tension with a well placed quip.

And I did.

"Not that I mind being called Walker, but generally friends call each other by their first names. Unless I'm not a friend and your only being nice to me to gain my trust and sacrifice me to some obscure cult that is. In which case I don't know if I want you using my first name."

"W-what?" Damian gave a startled snort. Almost a laugh, but not quite. I was going to have to try harder for that laugh, but later, not now.

"Nothing, carry on."

"Well... I was always taught it was only for close friends to make use of someone's first name. Everyone else was to call them by their surname. Permission is to be given regarding... Use of first names." Beneath Damian Sitdka shuffled a little, sensing the discomfort of his rider.

Given his earlier comment about the cold I made the assumption that Damian hadn't grown up here in Gotham with Bruce. Filing it quickly under the growing list of facts aiding my suspicions, I dropped my reins and held out my hand to the boy.

"Well, as your friend, I give you permission to use my first name. Please call me Lyn from now on."


He put his hand in hers as Walker, Lyn, surprised him yet again. She was so strange. She could be serious and down to earth one minute, so concentrated it seemed she could do anything, and then a few seconds later she was laughing and free spirited, all traces of concern fled from her face.

And now she insisted he call her by her first name, as a close friend. Obviously she didn't know how much that meant where he came from.

But he felt honored anyway.

"Oh good grief, quit flirting over there!" From the barn's entrance came Grayson's amused voice.
Lyn and both of the horses jumped slightly, but she recovered faster than Damian would have thought.

"Only when you do!"

Despite himself Damian gave a short bark of unintentional laughter. No one ever poked Grayson back for his flirting- the girls always seemed to like him too much. Except for the commissioner's daughter, but that was different since she was a comrade.
Grayson stuttered a little, but grinned in response.

"Race you over?" Lyn suggested.

"Of course-"

Tuffy launched herself like a shot before Damian could finish. He leaned forward and gave Sitdka a squeeze, not content to lose.

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