chapter 1

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Randy was able to get me cloth and a coat. He hunted for food what animal he used to feed for himself he cooked for me. The baby was growing fast so that told me it was more vampire and a little of me.

It's been two months and we been traveling through the woods at night and Randy has been hiding me during the day. I was weak from not being around Cheyenne.

It was strange I could feel her. When I slept I knew she was having the nightmares of what I went through. What child should go through my nightmares.

"Randy I really need to stop please!" He quickly ran to my side. "Bella we can't stop they will find you." I looked at him and put my hand over my stomach. "We need to find Edward and soon!" He looks at me then looks around.

"Okay. We change our plans. We find Edward." Randy helps me up and we start again.


We still been hiding. I had to move the kids and me because there were to many well I don't know what actually they were. Then Cheyenne been having nightmares about what happen to Bella.

But she still keeps saying momma and rubs her belly. "Daddy Cheyenne doing it again!" I look and she doing what Alice does. I quickly run over to her that minute I pick her up I'm pulled into her vision.


"Randy I really need to stop please!" He quickly ran to my side. "Bella we can't stop they will find you." I looked at him and put my hand over my stomach. "We need to find Edward and soon!" He looks at me then looks around.

"Okay. We change our plans. We find Edward." Randy helps me up and we start off again.

=======end of vision=======

I look down at Cheyenne and she smiles. I turn to Anthony. "What is it daddy?" He walks over and stands in front of me.

"Your Uncle Randy help mommy escape there looking for us!" He has the look of hope in his eyes again. "Mommy coming back daddy?" I run my hand through his hair. "We can hope son!" Then I remember just maybe if Bella's mind is open.


I was finally resting. Randy found a hidden spot to hide me. I thought I was sleeping when I heard Edward's voice. I sat up and looked around and I heard him again.

"Bella if you can hear me please let me know!" Then I realize he trying to get me to open my mind.

"Edward I hear you!" I told him. "Thank god! We had to hide. Go west baby you and Randy will find us."

Then I lost him. "Edward do you hear me!" I waited and nothing. I started to cry because it has been so long since I heard his voice.

I miss feeling safe in his arms. I miss my children. How I long to be with them. "Bella what's wrong?" I look up to see Randy. "I miss my family so much. I heard.." I stopped myself knowing that we could be watched or heard.

"We need to head west." I told him in a low whisper but I knew he heard me when he nodded.

I thought about the mind thing between me and Edward. Could it be the distance. Then I thought about my connection with Cheyenne then it hit me. If she can see me and I know she's having nightmares maybe just maybe.

I closed my eyes and focused only on Cheyenne.


I was feeding Cheyenne but she was starting to refuse anything now and that included blood. This was not good.

"Come on baby girl you have to eat please!" I feel defeated and lost. This is one of the times I greatly miss Bella because she would know what to do.

Our Lives Forever Changing Book FourWhere stories live. Discover now