chapter 5

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 “What do you mean not in the way you think?” I asked him.  “Well yes she control different types of elements but it's more than that. My mother control the weather sort of speak.” Edward started to explain. “I get it! Your mother could use powers and draw them and build them from the, let's say lighting. She could enhance it and draw from it and make it as her own.” Randy explained.

   Edward and I turned and looked at Randy. “What he said.” Edward says as he pointed at Randy. I just shake my head and laugh. “So you do remember everything now?” I asked him. Edward turns and looks at me a minute  then looks straight ahead.

   “The black Oracle are shadow creatures that no can see or sense. Not even a vampire. But I could. See Bella I wasn't just half warlock and half human in my time. I was so much more. No one knew about me. Not even Carlisle did.” Randy stopped him.

 “Your mother from here and so are you aren't you?” Randy asked. Edward just nodded. “Your half, but wait I thought that was just stories of your kind.” I looked between Edward and Randy. “Do one of you want to fill me in here please.” I said.

 I felt Cheyenne put her hands on my face and I gasped because we timed traveled again. When I stood up and held Cheyenne my arms and looked around I realized that we were in this land but in the past. “I think we need to change our clothes baby girl cause we're no longer in Kansas anymore.” Cheyenne just laughed.


   One I heard Bella the next I heard Anthony. “Where mommy and sissy go?” I slowly turned and they were gone. “What the hell just happened?” I asked. “I think Cheyenne has a new gift and it's time travel Edward or something like that.” Just then they reappeared and they're both unconscious and Bella is holding her close to her.

   I sensed something off then when  I brushed my head gently across Cheyenne face I seen what she was seeing. “Daddy. Only you can help us. Bad man came!” She told me. “What bad man sweet girl?” I asked her with my mind. Then she showed me his face James face.

 I gasped and fell back. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I look up and it was Randy. “It's James isn't it? “ He asked. I just nod my head. “Help me please! We need to get them to our tent. I need your help Randy. I will explain once we get them comfortable first.”


   After we had decent clothes on I held Cheyenne close to me as I walked. Once we got into the woods and walked a ways I heard voices. I stopped and looked at Cheyenne. Hang on baby girl we are going to play spider monkey as dad puts it.” I told her with my mind. I switch her to behind me and she wrapped her arms around my neck. “Hang on tight.” I told her.

  I climbed up the tree with ease. I steady myself and grabbed Cheyenne and held her in front of me and she puts her hand on my face and points with her other one. “Grandma and grandpa Mason.” I turn and look in the direction she pointed and I saw Edward mother. She looked pregnant.

  Edward father walked away and disappeared. “You and my granddaughter can come down Bella. It's safe don't worry.” I appeared in front her. “How you know?” I asked her. “I know a great many things as your grandmother does to my dear.” Cheyenne reached out for her grandmother Mason and she gladly took her into her arms.

  Cheyenne placed her hand on her grandmother face. “Yes I can explain that.” Mrs. Mason turns and looks at me. “First off call me Elizabeth dear. Yes this is Edward I'm carrying. I do see the future. But know Edward is last of our kind so no one knows he is even alive or since of the word in your time a vampire. But he is half warlock but he is also much more than that. He is very powerful in many ways. He is of the light. Not like you my dear. What Edward can do is so much more. See his father is not his real father. His real father died.”

  I gasped and tears started to fall from my eyes. “Don't cry sweet angel. He died saving me and Edward. His father was of light to but they call them light elves. But these light elves were killed off. Edward is the last of if kind. Well should I say he was. Do not tell the elves of this. For they will not take the news well.” Cheyenne put her hand on Grandma Mason face.

  Elizabeth face went to shock. She gave me Cheyenne.  “I don't have to fully explain. But know I brought you and Cheyenne her. You're in between dream world and real world. But you're in danger. I cannot protect you but Edward can. I’m truly sorry.” With that she disappeared.

 Cheyenne put up her shield and buried her face and started shaking. “Bad man.” Then she raised her hand  pointed. I looked up and seen James standing there. I wrapped my arms around Cheyenne and pulled her close to me.

 He put a evil grin on his face. Then he was standing beside me. “Who is this beautiful little angel in your arms?”  He asked. “Don't touch her.” I told him. He walks around us. “Oh trust me you can't stop me even if you wanted me to.”

 The next I knew I was laying on a table and Cheyenne was beside me and we were both tied down. Oh god no. I thought to myself. I slowly move my hand and reach for Cheyenne hand and she grips my hand. “Listen to me baby girl. I need your help. I know we won't wake up but we need to get our bodies back to Daddy can you help me do that?” I asked her with my mind. She nods.

  I turn my head and close my eyes and focus. But when I do I think back to when I first seen Edward and think of the times of times he saved me. I alive because of him. He the reason I breath the reason my children are here. My love for him is strong.

  I'm brought of my thoughts when I feel pain and I open my eyes and James has his hand inside my side. I scream out in so much pain but I feel Cheyenne squeeze my hand. I turn and look at her.

"Hang on mamma. Dadda coming." I nod my head but I end up screaming when James twists his hand.

 I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does. I own the rest of the characters and the story.


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