Edward time travels part 3

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Then the scene changed again.

I heard Randy's voice and opened eyes. "You're alright little sis." I was crying. "Yes big brother." He took his burned hand and put it on my cheek. "I want you to always remember, that you always have a beautiful soul, never forget that, remember what I told you that day to, please for me. Promise me!"

I grabbed his hand and held it. "I Promise you!" Then he went limp. "Randy, say something, big brother talk to me please."

Someone grabbed me and I tried to get away but they had a tight grip on me. "LET me go please. RANDY, BIG BROTHER I PROMISE YOU."

I finally got loose and I ran right into James. "Look who we have here. Bella, Why are you crying it's only a fire." I turn my head and they are coming by us with Randy on the cot. I just shake my head, and put it down. I keep mumbling no not him.

Victoria and James ask me what I'm talking about. I finally scream at them. "You really want to know, it should be me on that cot not Randy." That's when everything changed for me.

Victoria and James looked at each other with an evil grin. "Maybe it should be since it was you that caused the fire in the first place."

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" I screamed out. I started walking backwards shaking my head. "Sure it was Bella. If you just kept your nose out of our business and stayed away from Randy so he could of had the life he deserved instead of always trying to protect your worthless ugly life. Grab her James."

James picked me up and started carrying me somewhere I tried fighting him but it was no use.

We were back in the cabin. My eyes widen. Because I realized I remember how this part happen all wrong to me. It happen here.

"James take her clothes all off from her top half." He did what he was told. He held my hands together from behind me. Victoria pulled out a knife.

"This is going to hurt a lot. But I'm going to make sure you pay for what you did to Randy but most of all to make you look so disgusting that no one going to want you."

I felt the knife penetrate my and she start cutting. ""ARRRRRGGGHHH!" I screamed out in pain. Then I heard Edward's voice. It sounded far away but I heard it.

"Bella please it's just a memory!" I knew then that I still had to go through this though.

Then I heard James voice. "Now no one will want you!" Victoria bent down and started kissing James. I moved my head out of the way and closed my eyes.

Then I felt the cuts start in my back. I stumped my foot screaming in pain.

I couldn't believe I was reliving this again. "STTTOOPPP!" I finally screamed out. I opened my eyes and James finally let go of my arms.

I fell to the ground. My hair was being pulled up. I looked to see who had it and was Victoria.

Now her eyes were red. Not yet Edward! I told him with my mind.

"You made this so easy for me. I'm glad you're just sleeping. But at least you're reliving this part." She looked over to James. Who looked normal.

"Do it baby!" Victoria told James. I looked at James and he walks over and picks me up and throws me on the bed.

"No, no, no." I said. Put he grabbed a hold of my legs and pulled me to the edge of the bed.

Then I felt my arms being pinned to the bed. I looked up to see Victoria holding them down.

James was unbuttoning my pants and started pulling my them down.

I started pulling and kicking my legs so hard that I ended up kicking James and he flew backwards.

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