Chapter 6

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    I was talking to Randy when I heard Bella screaming. I quickly ran into the and Cheyenne was laying beside Bella now and they were hanging onto to each other hand. Bella was screaming. When I looked down to her side she was bleeding.

  I quickly ran over to her side and lifted up shirt and saw her scar reopened back up again. All of sudden I felt a small hand and turned and looked and it was Cheyenne but her eyes were still closed.

  I grabbed Cheyenne hand and put it against my face. “Daddy mommy needs your help. Bad man has her.  I can't help her.” She told me. “Tell mommy to hold on baby girl I'm coming. I love you.” I got up and ran out to Randy.

 “I need your help and you're the only one I can trust. Do you know someone where we can go where we be safe. Because I can't do this here.”

 We move out and start on way to where Randy knows will be safe.


  After James pulled his hand out he walks out. I closed my eyes and try to rest. But I heard a noise. I turn my head and see James walk in with Edward and Victoria walks in with Anthony. My eyes widened.

  I let go of Cheyenne hand and start fighting my restraints. “LET THEM GO!” I screamed out. I watched as they chained them up. Then Victoria walked over to me and leaned over and whispered in my ear as James walked back out. “I have one more surprise for you.” I lift my head up as James walked in with Charlie.

  “DADDY NO!” I screamed out. He turns and looks at me and tells me he loves me. Then James rips Charlie head off his body and it falls to the floor and Victoria lights him on fire. “NOOO!” I screamed as the tears fell.

  Victoria walked back over to me and pulled my shirt open. As she went along the all my scars with a knife I could feel myself drifting. Even when Cheyenne grabbed my hand and told me to hang on but I couldn't.

 I found myself on a cliff looking down. I lifted my head up and seen my life past in front of me. “Bella!” I closed my eyes knowing his voice wasn't real. “What are you doing?” He asked me. “Can't you see Edward. You're not real. I don't know what is anymore.”

  “Baby Listen to me I'm right here and you need to fight.” Edward told me. I just shook my head. “I love you Edward. Always have and always will. I love my kids. But I can't take this pain no more. I'm sorry.” I ran off and jumped into the water.

  When I open my eyes in the water Edward was in front of me and he gently puts his hand on the side of my face. “I can't let you do this baby. I won't let you. You need to fight. I will be right there right there right by your side.” Edward presses his lips against mine and that's when I realized he figured out how to get into the dream realm. I wrap my arms around him and deepen the as he pulls me closer. We pull apart and I open my eyes and I see Victoria face.

  “I'm right here Bella.” Edward told me in my ear. I smiled and Victoria snaps her head up at me. I lift my head as I feel my hands being released. “You know what Victoria your a bitch.” I take my hands and shove her back. My legs were released now and I jumped up on the table and get into crutch defense.

  “James get her now.” I flip of the table over James  and land behind and he turns around. “You know what to do baby.” I heard Edward say. James came at me and I dodge out of the way. I felt Edward behind me. “Close your eyes baby and hold on.” I smile and close my eyes and feel Edward take my hands into his then I feel us lift off the ground.

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