chapter 7

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I was getting ready for the wedding when I looked at the dress I about fell over. It was so beautiful. It was victoriaion style.

I put it on and look into the mirror. Then I seen my dad behind me.

"Something blue and old. Your grandma Swan wanted me to give that to you to wear on your wedding day." My dad hands me a box.

I set it on the table and open it. I gasped when I saw the tiara. It was beautiful. I lift it out of the box and walk back to the mirror and put it on.

I turned around and looked at my dad. He grabbed my hand and twirled me. "You baby girl look beautiful." He told me.

I giggled. I take his arm. "Don't let me fall even though I am not wearing any shoes. "Bella Marie Swan!" I sport my bare foot and my dad laughs.

"Dear Lord my Bella's back." That's when I broke out laughing.


The minute Bella and her dad came around the corner I about fell over. Randy had to catch me. "Just to think a vampire passing out on his wedding day." Randy says laughing. I couldn't help but chuckled.

Because it was true. Bella took my breath away. She was so beautiful. Then she laughed.

I haven't seen seen her do that in so long. A big smile grows on my face.

As Bella reached me her father put Bella hand into mine.

Her grandmother did our ceremony for us and it was so beautiful.

I was able to kiss the bride. Then we we're announced as husband and wife.

I watched as Bella was having fun with everyone. You could tell she missed the family so much.

Then she ran up to me and pulled me out to the dance floor. She was laughing and smiling. It was good to see her this way.

"I take it your having fun." I tell her. "I am having lots of fun and I owe that all to you." I looked at her confused. "Why is that?" I asked.

"You brought me back and you brought my best friend back to me. Not that your not my best friend to." She giggled. I just chuckled.

I gave her a quick kiss. "I know what you mean baby. Your my best friend, my lover, my soulmate and now my wife and I couldn't be any happier." I say as I picked her up and spun her and she laughed.


It came to cutting the cake and I knew Edward didn't eat but I had an idea. I took the plate and smashed the cake in his face.

"Well no one said you couldn't wear it." I said as he was wiping it off. "Ohh your so in trouble Mrs. Cullen." He said.

I squealed and took off running. I hid from him but he found me and he had something behind his back.

He pressed his lips to mine and then pulled away and smashed cake into my face.

"The battle is on Me. Cullen. I ran over to the cake table and threw the cake but Edward ducked and I got my dad.

I covered my mouth and my dad walked up to me and grabbed a hand full of cake and smirked. He turned and threw the cake and hit Edward with it.

I started laughing because we started a full fledge food fight and it was a blast.

I haven't had so much fun in so long it felt good just to let go and have fun.

Edward finally walked up to me and took food out of my hair. "Want to go get cleaned up?" He asked me.

I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but love in his eyes. "Yeah!" I told him.

We snuck away and was laughing all the way back to our room. Edward walked us into the bathroom.

He took my tiara off first. Then he turned the water on in the shower. Then he motion for me to turn around.

He slowly unzipped my dress and moved it off my shoulders and let it dropped to the floor. He turns me around and takes off my panties and helps me into the shower.

He gets undressed and joins me in the shower. He presses his lips to mine and. Then backs me against the wall.

I smile against his lips. He lifts me up and I slide down on his manhood and wrap my legs around him.

We move together as we are one. But all to soon I hit my climax and I yell out hiss name and bury my face into his neck and he follows soon after.

He slides down to the floor with me in his arms. He buries his face into my neck.
"Your to addicting for your own good." He tells me and I start laughing. "I am so glad you think this is so funny." He chuckles.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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