chapter 2

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I finally got rid of the 2 men and made them run off in circles. There so lost now. I been going through the trees and it's the middle of the night when I hear a scream of pain. "Bella!" I quickly go in the direction that I heard and as I see Anthony holding Cheyenne in worry and both their eyes locked forward and I heard Bella scream again.

I whip my head to the direction they're looking and there is Bella against the tree laying there crying in pain.

I quickly jump from the tree and Anthony whips his head around in my direction. "Daddy help mommy please!" I ran over to him and kneel down and notice he and Cheyenne were both crying.

"I will son but I need you to sit down with Cheyenne." I told him. "But daddy mommy said brother or sister!" I looked at him confused. "What!" I questioned and was confused.

"Mommy said she had to go through the pain so we can get our new brother or sister but something wrong!" My eyes widen when realization hit that Bella was pregnant.

I over to Bella and took her hand. She opened her eyes and had tears falling from the pain. "Edward something wrong, help the BBBAAABBYY!" She squeezed my hand as tight as she could.


After I let go of Edward's hand and he lifted my dress and I felt him rip my undergarments off. Then his head disappeared below the dress.

"Oh god it coming out breech." I seen his head poke up. "Bella whatever you do don't push I got to turn the Baby. Anthony I need you to go up by mommy's head and sit there with your sister. Hold your breath like I taught you."

Edward watch and waited. I felt Anthony start to stroke my hair to comfort me.

"I'm so sorry Bella but this is going to hurt." Edward hated putting me in pain but he knew he had to do it. I nodded to him to know I was ready and he nod once and his head disappeared again.

Then I felt him turning the baby and I screamed out in pain. After what felt like forever It stopped.

"I need you to push on the next contraction Bella." He told me. So I did what he told me. Then he tells me to give a big push after about me already pushing like 10 different.


"WAIT A MINUTE HOW IS THIS MY FAULT! Ohhh!" He trails off. I was going to snap at him again but another pain hit and I pushed again.

"I should've known the one time we decide to you get me pregnant yet again." I growl through my teeth. I heard Edward chuckle.


"Sorry baby but it kind of is." I started to think about and giggled a little until another pain.

When I pushed Edward told me to keep pushing so I did until he told me stop.

I felt him turn the baby a little. "I need you to give me one more push Bella!" Oh god I don't think I can do this. But I pushed again and I felt the baby slid out.

"Anthony I need some string that's in the bag and one of Cheyenne blankets." Anthony set down Cheyenne and started digging in the bags when I heard the baby cry.

"Are you going to tell me if it's a boy or girl or just make me wait?" I asked. But him and Anthony were so busy.

But I seen Anthony grinning ear to ear. Edward gently set the baby wrapped in the blanket in whispered in Anthony ear. Edward smirk and went back to work on me and Anthony walked over to me.

"Mommy you want to see my new baby sister?" I couldn't help from the happy tears from falling. I gently took my new daughter in my arms and looked at her.

I laughed because she was Edward splitting twin except a girl. Even her green eyes.

"Mommy can we call her Angel?" I turned and looked at Anthony. "Why do you want her name to be Angel baby boy?" I asked him.

"Because she looks like a Angel sent down to us from up there!" Anthony pointed up to the sky and I quickly looked at Edward and he had this expression of aww and love for his son.

"I think that's a beautiful name son. What do you think Cheyenne?" Edward asked. Cheyenne clapped her hands. "Beautiful!" Edward snapped his head up. "Well, well daddy's girl said another word. So I guess Angel it is. How about Angel Miracle Cullen?" Edward looked up at me when he asked.

"Angel Miracle Cullen is a perfect name for you." Edward came and set next to me and picked up Cheyenne and put her in his lap and put his arm around me. Anthony sat on the other side of me.


As Bella finally fell asleep with our new daughter. I watched very happy but also in shock. I didn't even know but I am already have so much love for Angel.

As for Bella what she had to go through to protect our new child and our family was difficult. I seen the wounds on her legs and it makes me hurt deep inside. Plus I know she have other wounds on her.

"Daddy someone's coming!" Anthony says as he gets in defense mode. I look over to Cheyenne who is playing and she looks up but all that happens is a smile grows on her face.

"Anthony I think it's safe!" But he doesn't move until Randy walks up. "Uncly Randy?" Anthony asks on a sure as he raises up out of defense mode.

"Yep it's me! You have gotten big Anthony." He says as he walks up.

"Randy how did.." He stops me. "It was Phil that did it actually." He tells me. "Phil? But I thought.."

"Bella never gave them a chance to.." He was caught off guard when he saw Bella. "When did she have the baby?"

I smiled and turned and looked at the both of them sleeping. "She had Angel last night!" I told him. "So you guys had another girl congrats Edward." He told as he patted me on the shoulder.

"I hate to say this though we need to move and now. I'll explain once we get somewhere safe. They can't be out in the open." He told me.

"Randy Bella isn't in any condition to move." I told him and I explained to him why but he said it could not be help and we had to move now.

So we gather everything up and he took Angel in his arms and Anthony took Cheyenne.

I gently scooped Bella into my arms she moaned in pain. "I'm sorry but we have to get somewhere safe." I told her and she nodded.

I don't know how long we have been traveling for before Anthony screamed out that Cheyenne was putting her shield up. My head snaps up. "Edward there's 7 of them." Bella told barely at a whisper. I stop and look down at her.

"Edward bring Bella over here!" Randy snaps out. I walk over and gently laid her in a covering of branches. Randy gently gives her Angel.

"Anthony bring Cheyenne here!" I told him. "Cheyenne I need you to lower your shield long enough to so Anthony give you to mommy. It's okay!"

She looks at me with worry but does it and Anthony walks over and sets Cheyenne by Bella and then walks over and stands next to me.

"Alright baby girl you can put it back up!" I weakly gave her her a smile. Then Randy, Anthony and I took off not far and spread out and took our fighting stance and waited.

I do not own all of my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

Check out Only by moonlight By: Cassandra Lowery

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