Edwards time travel part 2

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We ended up in my past again somewhere. I looked and noticed my mother training with me.
I was about 8.

Then I seen Bella and Cheyenne. All I could do is watch. I couldn't her what they were saying. Then the scene changed again.

Her grandmother house. Bella was only 5. "I see you there and don't worry you're secret safe with me." I looked up to her grandma.
I just watched as they interact with each other.

I still know there's so much she doesn't remember. Bella disappeared but I stay for some reason.

"You are right there is so much she does not remember. You will notice she time travels on her own to. Your the key to unlocking her memories Edward." That's when I disappeared back to my time and I see Bella at a young age and I'm only 6.

This is what I don't remember. My younger life walks up to her. "You're a light elf." Bella told him. "How do you know this?" I asked her. I know things.

"I sense you have your own light of goodness inside of you plus something else."  She gently puts her hand on the side of my face.

I see images go through my head. "Don't worry it's how I speak." Cheyenne is more like her mother.

I since so much power in her. But why doesn't she have them now? Maybe I have to unlock them.

Then the scene change again I was 7 now. "Bella what are you doing back?" I asked her. She put her hand on the side of my face and that's when I seen the kids pick on her.

"Have you told anyone?" She nods her head. "It only gets worse for me and your the only one I can talk to." She came to me even back in this time.

She even came back to me in my time. I couldn't figure out why me. "Bella why come to me? I am not from your time." Took the words out of my mouth.

"Because for some odd reason I feel safe here and with you." She said before we disappeared.

Then we're back at her grandma house and Bella is about 11 and she puts a binding spell on her powers. But little does she know not all her powers.

Then the scene changed again. Some how she made it back to me when I was 12.

She placed her hand on the side of my face. Images went through my head again. "This is the last time I can see you Edward." She took a deep breath.

"Something bad going to happen to me but I don't know what is is. I will miss you so much. When the time right come find me. I don't know what it's means and I know it sounds cryptic. You will always be in my heart." With that she disappeared.

So I knew her when she was younger I just never put two and two together. Then we show up at camp.

 I was off by myself as always. I decided to go for a walk in the woods, which I did a lot because no one hung around me much. I  heard someone. "Hey, Bella wait up." It was Randy. He was the only one that was ever nice to me even in school.

   "Hey Randy, what's up?" He caught up to me. "Nothing much. So what are we going to do today Bella?" I thought for a minute. "How about you choose today!"

  I watch Randy think about it. Randy was a couple years older than me. But he was my only friend in school and summer camp. My mom always called him my big brother, and in a way that’s what he was like to me.

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