chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning to Edward trailing kisses down my shoulder.

I leaned back against him. "Morning Mrs. Cullen." I smiled big knowing I was actually his.

"Hmm, good morning to you dear husband." I turned in his arms. I actually felt safe here. It was strange how a place could make you feel this safe.

"Penny for your thoughts love." He told me. "It's just strange how at how much I feel safe here. It's almost like it feels like home to me to." I told him.

"It is your home now to. Don't ever think it's not Bella. For being safe well I feel it to. It's almost like it has its own shield here. I can't explain it. It's like we're hidden or something." Edward tells me.

Then there was a knock on the door. Edward got up and put a pair of pajama bottoms on and answered the door.

He turned and smiled at me. "It would seem someone is hungry for her mom's milk." He told me. "I will pump my milk for her. Give me at least 20 minutes." I told him.

I got up and put on my bathrobe and went over to the chair and hooked up the breast pump.

This was so much easier now for Cheyenne. Edward went and got Cheyenne for me while I finished up.

He walks in and she reaches for her bottle and I give it to her. I was so happy that she held her own bottle now. I stood up and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Mommy going to go take a shower. You two behave." Edward gives me a quick kiss on my cheek and I walked into the shower.


I sat Cheyenne on the bed with me while she drank her bottle.

All of sudden I felt something in the room with us and I noticed Cheyenne put up her shield.

I felt it walk by the bed and I turn my head and caught a glimpse of it. The orcal. I stand up just as it walked into the bathroom.

"WHAT THE HELL! THAT HURT!" Bella said. I get to the shower and pulled the shower door open.

"Don't move a muscle!" I told Bella. I waved my hand and made it visible to see. Bella's eyes widened.


I opened my mind to Edward. "Is that the orcal?" I asked. Edward nods his head while I am frozen in the shower.

Edward waved his hand again and the orcal was a solid piece of ice and Edward grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him.

Then he brought both hands up and blew up the orcal. I hit the floor and covered myself.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up at Edward. "How you do that?" I asked him. "I remembered how to kill him." He told me.

Edward grabbed a towel and wrapped me in it. "Edward you have powers I can't explain. I can feel it." I told him.

"I know, I feel it to. It's almost like this place woke up my powers within me." He explained to me. I started to think what he told me when he was younger.

"You can help me in my dreams. That's how you saved Cheyenne and me isn't it?" I asked him. "Yes I can dream walk as it's called and so much more. I am like you in a way. But I can help you remember to." I looked at him confused.

"You remember everything?" I asked him. He smiled at me. "I even remember you and Cheyenne time traveling. I know now what I was searching for and it was you even though I couldn't remember. My heart was leading the way." Tears fell from my eyes.

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