chapter 9

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I watched as they put Bella under. Then Cheyenne looked up at me and put her hand on the side of my face. "It's time daddy." I nod my head and gently lay her beside Bella.

I then lay myself on the bed next to Cheyenne and Bella. Cheyenne puts her hand over my heart then her other hand over Bella heart.

I watched as she closed her eyes as I did the same. I opened my eyes and were at Bella house and Carlisle is there along with Esme and Charlie.

"What do we do. Her powers are to strong." Renee says. "Well your not going to like this but mom's going to have to bind Bella powers. We will have to spilt up to protect her and Carlisle and Esme become God parents." Renee walked over and picked her up.

Bella was just a baby. Then the scene change. "Are you my angel?" I look down to see a five year old Bella. I keeled down with Cheyenne in my arms.

"I guess in away I am. But you can't tell no one our secret ok." She puts her finger over her lips. I chuckle.

"Are you here to help me from the bad stuff that keeps happening to me?" She asked me.

"If I put my hand on the side of your face you think you can show me?" She nods her head.

I place my hand on the side of her face and close my eyes. I see little kids beating her up and picking on her. She even told her mom.

I took my hand away. "I don't know if I can help you the way you want me to but I can tell you I will be by your side when it does happen." She thought for a sec then nod her head.

I opened my eyes and I was back in the bedroom and Cheyenne said she was tired. She cuddled next to her mother and fell asleep.

I got up and looked at the both of them and they both looked peaceful. So I walked out to check on the other kids.


I was at the playground. I was 6. I was playing by myself because Randy had to do something with his family.

"Hey ugly Bella come down her so we can play up there." Oh no Victoria and James. I'm in for it now.

"No because you'll do something to me." I told them. "No we won't just come down."


The next I heard was a bloodcurdling scream but it was muffled. I ran back for the bedroom and both Cheyenne and Bella were both screaming.

I knew I had to go into my dreamstate to help Bella. I ran vampire speed to the dreamscape room and closed my eyes.


"Bella what happened?" I looked up to see my angel there. "They pulled me of the bars and I fell to the ground and got hurt." I kneeled down and cupped the side of her face.

Then I heard mine. "I can't tell mommy what they did it just gets worse." I closed my eyes and let a tear fall.

"I thought vampires don't cry?" I looked down to Bella. "I can sense what you are. Your not monster." I chuckled. "I know!" She puts her hand over mind.

"We are connected but I don't know how. It's weird I feel things but can't say nothing about it. I already get beat up." She puts her head down.

So she's always had her angel side. They can't fully bind that. Then were at the camp.

I watched everything all over again. But in full detail this time. Then I seen Victoria and James take Bella off to the showers I followed them.

My eyes widen to what they made her do to James. I had to turn away. I wish I could of done something but I couldn't.

All I could do is stand here and watch. It was heartbreaking for me.

I had to wake up and get to my dad so he close Bella wounds back up when they formed.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephiene Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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