Edward time travels part 4 epilogue

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All of sudden we are back in past again. I was about 3 this time.

Then I seen a young 2 year old walk to my 3 year self. "Who are you?" My 3 year self asked.

"Bella! You?" She asked. "Edward! You not from here." I made as a statement. "Not my time." Was all she said.

"Did something happen?" I asked. Bella nods her head. "Can you tell me?" She started crying.

"A monster tried to take me and I appeared here. Are you bad?" The 3 year old self shook his head no.

I just stood there and watch everything on fold. Then Bella disappeared again.

Who tried to take her at such a young age and why does she keep coming to me in the past.

I watch as my mother walked up to me. "You grew into such a handsome young man." She told. "You have questions my son." She told me.

"Why does Bella keep coming to the past to me of all people?" I asked my mother.

"It is where she's drawn to my son." She reached up and cupped the side of my face.

"She feels safe with you but does not remember she was drawn to you. You have to help her remember. Your the key my son. She will keep going to the past more and more and you will follow her.
She will not see you until the time is right. I love you my son it's time to go now." With that I disappeared.

I wondered were I will be taken next the past again or the future.

Then I was in here past. She was the same age. I stood back and watched.

All of sudden a demon appeared in front of her. Is this what she was talking about?

She started to float up into the air and then started spinning. She released her arms and a beam came from her hands when she stopped spinning.

She blew up the demon. She was a very powerful at a young age.

Then she turned. She tilted her head. "Can you see me?" She nodded her head not saying a word.

"You have great powers little one." I told her. She shook her head no. "Don't you talk?" I asked her. She just shook her head.

"I know. Your afraid to talk. Because the demons or something else getting you because your the chosen one." Tears started to fall from her eyes as she nodded her head yes.

"OK! Are monster trying to take you?" Bella nodded her head yes.

I look around and were in the magical world. "Do you have a safe to hide?" She put a smile on her face and nodded her head.

"Then run as fast as you can to your safe place and hide. Stay hid until someone you know comes for you." She nods her head.

She went to turn but stopped and ran up to me and jumped into my arms and just cried.

She finally took off until I couldn't see her no more. I just stood here thinking what next.

Who is trying to take her at a young age and how she pick me growing up to be a safe place.

Will she go back to where it started? When we first met? I want to know it all.

I want to know all of her. I have to make sense of all this.

Like putting a puzzle together. There is so much to learn and I know one thing.

I love Bella with my heart and soul. All of sudden I grabbed my chest. What was that?

I do not own all my characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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