chapter 3

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I watched as the three man in my life walked off. I felt Angels shield go up but it was only around me her. I turned and looked at Cheyenne as she crawled in front of me and Angel.

Then my eyes widen in surprise as she stood up. My head shot straight forward and I saw the creature standing there. "Cheyenne come here girl now!" I said low voice. She just shook her head no. "EDDDWWAARRDD!" I screamed out. "Angel drop your shield for mommy please!" But she wouldn't.


As we were fighting I heard Bella scream out for me. Then I sense something wrong. "Anthony mother now!" He turned to me and nodded.

"WHAT THE..." I heard Randy yell out. I turn my head and look. Randy eyes widen. "SISSY WE DO THIS TOGETHER!" I Heard Anthony yell this time and turned and that's when I saw Cheyenne standing and she was glowing. She nodded to her brother and Anthony walked up and took her hand and both her hands went up. I looked and seen what they we're pointing towards and the next I knew a ball of light went through him and it fell to the ground.

"Edward if I were you I get down now." Randy called out to me. It only took me a second to realise what he was talking about when I seen Cheyenne raising her brother in the air and he was spinning. That's when I hit the ground.

I heard a lot of trees blowing up among other things. Then there was nothing. Then I felt something tap my head and I slowly lifted it to see Cheyenne sitting in front of me. "All gone." I chuckled when she said that. "Yep all gone." I tell her and she giggles. I get up and picked her up.

"You alright Randy?" I asked. "Yeah! I will never under estimated your two kids or make them mad." He says as we walk over to where Anthony was standing with Bella Angel.

"Daddy I think there something wrong with mommy." Anthony told me. I turned and looked at Bella and she had this look of pure amazement on her face.

"Son nothing wrong with mommy trust me. She will just shocked and amazed just give her a few minutes."

"Unfortunately we don't have a few minutes Edward. The kids use their powers and we have move now." Randy told us.

He was right though. Anthony took Cheyenne and Randy took Angel as I gently picked up Bella.

We decided to head to the elves. because the kids needed there next training and well Bella needed rest.

It took us about 3 days to get there to our surprise we were closer than we thought.

It was nice to be able to get cleaned up. Bella was finally resting. But someone had to come get me because Cheyenne was being stubborn like someone I know.

I stood there and looked down at her with my hands on my hips as she sat there. "Is someone being stubborn?" She looked up at me and gave me her innocent face.

"Oh no don't play that on daddy. I know where you got that from and I will be talking to your mother about that." I picked her up and she put her hand on my face.

"I want to train with you daddy." That took me by surprise. "But honey I don't have any gifts like your mother and you kids do." She nods her head then puts her hand on my face.

"Yes you do. I can feel them." My eyes widen and she giggles. "You told him sissy didn't you?" She nodded her head at Anthony.

"Son you want to tell me what you two are talking about." I told him. "Well I did not know until sissy and I used our powers together. But I think it's what grandma Swan was trying to teach me or tell me I am not sure. But as a family we are stronger. See. don't get mad but sissy and I well we tapped into your powers that day and well that's how we kind of hand more blow up as you would say."

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