Edward time travels

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The orcal was just outside the home. I went by my sense to find it. But when I got outside it disappeared.

It was like it was just waiting and watching. But for what I did not know. So now I had a Orcal to look out for.

"Daddy I need your help." Cheyenne said with her mind. I quickly ran for the dreamscape room and laid there closing my eyes to focus.

I opened my eyes and Bella was a small age again. She had powers. "Daddy!" I turn and look and seen Cheyenne. She leaned against my forehead. "Time to time travel daddy." I blinked a couple of times and then nodded.

I closed my eyes.

(((Edward memories/time travel)))
in bpov

I was standing next to a 4 year old Edward. "Again Edward!" I looked up to the women who told him that. It was his mother.

"Clear your mind son! Image the ball of fire in your hands." I look down at Edward but he wasn't standing there. I looked up and when I did I fell over to the ground in amazement.

He not only made one but two balls of fire in his hands but he was up in the air. Edward could levitate himself.

He threw the fire balls with great aim.

Then Edward was about 10 and he's practicing but when I looked around no one was there. "Who are you?" My eyes widen as I turn my head around and the 10 year Edward was standing there looking at me.

"You can see me?" I asked him. "Yes! You're very pretty if I might say so." I smiled down at him. "You may." I tell him. "I seen you before. I think a couple of times through my years growing up." He tells.

"Maybe!" Was all I tell him. He goes back to practicing and I'm transported again and Edward looks to be about 12 now.

"You're much better Edward. It would seem the more you grow the more your powers grow. Let's try again Edward."

He floats up into the air and then he starts spinning and as he spins faster fireballs are shooting everywhere. I even had to dodge a couple. Then as his speed increased the bigger the fire balls became and things started exploding. "HOLY SHIT!" I yelled out as I hit the ground and covered myself with my shield. "How I do that?" I asked myself.

"You alright?" I slowly look up to see the young Edward a few feet from me. I lowered my shield and heard Cheyenne giggle. I looked beside me and she was sitting there.

"We're fine!" I tell him. He looks over to Cheyenne and walks over to her and kneels down in front of her. "You are a very beautiful like your Mother." I blush as he taps Cheyenne nose and she smiles up at him. "Da.." I stopped her and she turns her head to me and I put my finger to my lips to hush her.

"You though are always in my dreams. What is your name?" He asks me. "Isabella kind sir." I smile at him. "Isabella is a beautiful name. I do hope we meet again as we have in my past." He turns and walks away and now Cheyenne and I our standing in front of Edward of what he looked like before he changed.

"You came back." He tells me. "How old are you now?" I asked him. "I am 16, almost 17 now." He slowly walked up to me. "Isabella may I ask you something?" He asked me and I nod. "Are you from the future?" He asked me.

"You can say that." I told him. "I can't help but feel a strong how would I say this, connection to and this small child of yours." Cheyenne clapped her hands and reached out for Edward and he walked over and picked her up and she placed her hand on the side of Edward's face.

A smile grew on his face. "Nice to meet you Cheyenne. You don't have to worry about a thing little one. I am sure your daddy can protect you against the black orcal."

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