Chapter 20: The Thunder God Prevails

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-So,-Brice cracked his neck.-how about you and I settle the situation here?

-Mortal,-Thor said.-If it's a red one or a blue one, all snakes are the same.

Brice began laughing hysterically.-Glad you agree!-he laughed hysterically once again and brought out his shimedaiko with his golden Bachi. He called onto some lightning as he banged the drum. He then raised his hand towards the sky as the lightning fell on it and overcharged hid body. He began laughing maniacally in a very high pitched way, as if he had just fallen into madness, it almost resembled how I always imagined the Joker laughed.

-HEE HOO!-he yelled as he disappeared and headed towards the God. I could tell Thor had lost track of him, to be fair, even my three eyes had trouble seeing Brice. He still maintained his human shape though, not turning into lightning to move faster. He punched Thor right in the jaw sending him flying into the air, however Brice was faster than he let on. By the time Thor reached the highest point Brice had already caught up, and punched the God down into the ground. The earth trembled and a large crater formed.

Brice laughed hysterically once again, it sorta got on my nerves, the truth is it was psychotic. Thor stood up unscathed and threw his hammer at Brice who quickly escaped, however the God was fast as he flew towards Brice and punched him in the face. To make matters worse, Mjollnir was coming around to hit him. Brice made his aura Minotaur appear and punch away the mighty hammer.

-Sorry, Mr. Thunder, you'll need to do better!-he yelled as he laughed again still overcharged.-How about we put an end to this, huh!?-he laughed again, and this time he turned into lightning. He entered through Thor's body, near his stomach as a bolt of lightning. Everything stayed silent for a while... Then, Thor exploded, blasting his Golden Blood everywhere, and fueling me and Kate. From where Thor originally stood, Brice had emerged covered in his blood. There was only one person in our team that did not have a God's power. I took Thor's soul and Guided it towards Karry, the belt however, I gave to Isabelle. She had trained hard, she could now lift around a metric ton without using her aura. Everyone else had much more impressive feats of strength, for that reason the belt Thor wore, that doubled his strentgh, would be given to her. Afterwards, Kate and myself rolled around in Thor's golden blood and our Aura's grew exponetially bigger. My aura avatar had grown it's second body, the one I generated with Fujin, by itself and so I floated and gave my message.

-Gods of mythology, you have underestimated us once more. Now, the Norse God of Thunder, son of Odin, highly praised and popular, Thor, has fallen.- I said, my voice booming through the world.-If you wish to defeat me, you must rally an army. Don't underestimate me anymore, or it will be your downfall.

I felt very poweful now, and my body morphed even more. Now, my third eye opened more than usual, normally it seemed to be squinting. It had finally opened and now, if I focused hard enough, I could see aura, even if it was supressed. I saw the tress, grass, wildlife, and my friends.

My instincts and my thoughts were now one and the same. As I observed my friends, I saw something difficult to describe. It was almost like, I could see their future. When Brice walked I could see an image of him walking in front of him. I could also see farther and sense aura from farther distances. My third eye could see it as well, and it made me able to see 360° around. I could see things behind me, see things far away, sense them, see their auras, and their futures. Kate's blonde hair turned to a silver/white one. She grew larger claws on her nails, fangs instead of teeth and she had some Japanese markings painted in red over her face. Her whisker marks were more noticable and now she lugged around a total of 13 tails.

Karry also developed characteristics due to her sudden power up from taking Thor's soul. She could form a rather large part of the dragon's torso along with the head and small arms. She had whiskers on her face, feral eyes almost like feline or reptile ones. Her body also began to be covered in scales. Her arms, legs and parts of her face were covered with the scales. I could just see on them how strong they were.

-Guys, I'm freaking out right now.-I said.

-What? Why?-Isabelle asked.

-Well, for one,-I began.-I can see aura. Two I can sense your next moves and see them. And finally I can see 360 degrees around. -Brice held up 4 fingers and I saw that he would ask me how many fingers he was holding up.- Four fingers.-I blurted out.

Brice freaked out.-He's not lying... He's really telling the truth.

-Woah...-Tyrone quickly responded.

I decided I needed to train my new skills.-Guys, we're going to hold a tournament again.

-Dude, you and Kate would kill us!-Isabelle said.

-No, because this tournament is the five of you, against me, at the same time.-I said.

-Dude, don't get cocky, it's just a very jerk thing to do.-Tyrone said.

-No, I need to train how to use my new eye.-I began.-How to react toward the images of the future moves and how to see in all directions at once. For that I need your help, I will be using only my two hands, four claws, two horns, and three eyes.-I then finished looking at all of them at the same time.

-I'm in. When do we begin?-Brice asked.

-Right now.-I replied.

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