part Eight

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So, I was reading a story on, good website by the way check it out, and one of the main characters woke up in a cage.

Guess what the first thing out of her mouth was?

It was "Oh, no. Not again."

You know you have a bad life if you wake up in a flipping cage and the first thing you say is, "Oh, no. Not again."

And the main character does have a very . . . different life than most people.

I mean she hunts monster's for a living.

But then again, this was a Supernatural fanfiction, so it's not that surprising that she has a bad life.

Her mom was killed by a demon, her dad was killed in a hit and run accident (the doing of an evil spirit with a grudge), her boyfriend died (don't know how), and her sister had just been killed.

Add in angst of falling in love with one of the pair of brothers you're traveling with (also hunters) while your twin sister is dating the other brother and you have the perfect recipe for Supernatural fanfiction. Also add in fighting a different type of monster every flipping week and you're set for a very successful fanfiction.

This is turning into a summary of a story, isn't it?

But I have to say that this fanfiction is REALLY funny.

It's called "A Moment Too Late" on , check it out.

Check out the other fanfiction also. They're other pretty good stories on there.

My rant for the day, everyone! Feel free to applaud at my awesome promoting skills!

Katie Houde, signing out.

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