Meeting Mikan-Chan And Awkward Moment???? Chapter 4

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''Hello Mikan-Chan Narumi-Sensei told me lots about you he told me you were one of his most favourite students'' I said motherly and I noticed that the Natsume boy with manga on his face listened to me and looked comforted when I say it motherly.

Mikan blushed and thought something that Mei-Chan could hear, Why did I stare at her awfully she sounds like a mother though I wish she was my mother I WANT TO BE BEST FRIENDS WITH HER! Mikan Thought and Natsume thought some of that as well only the motherly spoken part.

''Mikan-Chan'' I said gently and she looked at me with sparkles in her eyes. ''You remind me of Narumi to me he plays the role of the sun'' I say wisely and Mikan-chan's eyes widened saying ''So I'm your sun!'' she said gleefully and very happy like while I nodded keenly on having more suns around to lighten my mood. She squealed and kept calm and talked to Ruka.

Hmm maybe I'll talk to Ruka Later. A girl called Surmire came up to me and squealed something about me being an alive doll and I simply replied ''Hehe Thank you for the great statements you can call me doll-chan if you would like it since he does too'' and I gained a suspicious look from the raven headed boy, oops I think I said too much!

Once they girls left I looked at Natsume and I grabbed some pocky from uhhhmm thin air? And poked him saying carefully ''Natsume-Kun'' I whined a little and he removed the book from his face so he could get a better look at me and I could tell he just saw some kind of goddess I chuckled at his expression.

Natsumes: POV

I removed my Manga I was reading and looked at her to see her clearer since I heard a lot of girls squealing and to see what the giant ruckus was all about but I regretted it. She well let's say ''One-of-a-kind?'' She looks like the Gothic girl version of ''him'' and she had a motherly voice that I kept thinking of.

''Natsume-Kun'' she said carefully making sure she picked the right words. ''What is it.. Mei'' I said and she smiled motherly (Oh kami she is the mother of all children in this world like seriously) ''Would Natsume-Kun like some of Mei-chans Pocky?'' She even talked in third person..... ''Okay'' I thought and everyone was already talking about her so they couldn't see us in the back round.

She took 2 Pocky sticks out and put one in her mouth before looking at me I don't know but my body just moved on its own and I bit the other end making it snap while she blushed like a ripe strawberry I mean I'm okay with saying this I do a lot of perverted thin- WAIIITT Please forget that OLO.

Mei's POV

He smirked evily while I was frozen and a flustered mess (DARNIT NARUMI YOU DIDN'T TELL MEI THAT NATSUME IS YOUR PERVERTED SIDE KICK!).

Natsume's POV

After that moment of weirdness people ran around the room saying ''JINNO IS COMING!''. Hmm also wondering if I'll get to see her alice.

Mei-Chans POV

''Jinno Is Coming!!'' They all shouted in an afraid voice while I looked a little happy and more curious to why they looked like they were afraid. Soon Jinno-Sensei as I call him, Jin-Jin came through the door and set a terrifying aura.

It's been about 10 minute and the math was strict but still way too easy for me and I decided to keep quiet in case. ''New Students what is this Answer!'' he smacked the ruler on the white board and I was excited but the rest were pitying me which was normal since they didn't know me that much.

''No star you first'' He said strictly and distaste inside his mouth mentioning her and I frowned sadly at poor Mikan-Chan. ''Hmmph fine Yo-Mei-Chan?'' he questioned and I nodded why he sighed at his stupidity and told me to answer the question while I stalked up to the board everyone looked up to see what I wrote and I simply said ''Jinno-Sensei you wrote the question wrong..?''(I made this up to make her look smart) he gasped and smirked while the class looked at me with wide eyes and amusement in Natsume's Eyes.

''Yes Mei-Chan you are correct'' I nodded but quickly told him that he needs to be nicer towards Mikan-Chan since she told Mikan that Mikan is her sun and Jinno always knows that When Mei Announces something and an important role like the Sun and Moon thing she has she means she'll protect it no matter what.

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