Rule1: Don't Mess With Mei

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(P.s: The start of This chapter is on my laptop, hehhehehe, Lemme update you on this chapter after I post the next one! :D)

This Chapter is dedicated to..........................@mad21hatter! for the great Idea!!! And also there's another person who voted on the Oc character...


Mei's POV

I yawned, rubbing my eyes like a cat, expecting to be engolulfed by cookies and floating marshmellows. I was about to do my morning day cat stretch and was about to pounce off the bed until I felt a hand yanking my waist. The weird hand pulled harder and I did a blank face while falling face flat back onto my pillow. (TT_TT) I did the anime crying face with rivers flowing down my eyes.

I flipped over and blinked after seeing.....Black messy familiar hair.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........

'''NANNIIIII!!'' I squeeked and instantly flipped off the bed, making the familiar person groan and rub his eyes, sitting up and glancing where the disturbance was. I stared at him blankly and he stared back blankly as well. After about an hour I spoke up. 

''Pervert..'' I mumbled and he sweatdropped while rubbing the back of his neck nerviously with his right hand and waving his left his dismissively. ''Etto...It's not what you think it is'' Natsume said, making me raise an eyebrow. ''Uhh....When we were at the Halloween Party you kinda passed out from too much candy..'' ExplaIned Natsume and I raised an eyebrow, circling the bed with my frying pan in hand. I looked at the time and screamed, ''OH NO CHOCOLATES WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!'' I shouted like a headless chicken and zoomed into the closet, magically tossing on my schools clothes while Natsume had already finished changing.

''Don't think I'll forget this mister'' I said pointing 2 fingers from my eyes to his while using my left hand to point to the frying pan that layed threateningly on the counter. He sweatdropped and nodded while I nodded back, grabbed his hand and zoomed to where the school was.

''How did Naru-nii tell you were I lived?'' I asked, passing through the blue roses in the garden and entering the Northern Foret Secret Path to the classrooms. ''You know, the usual 'chit chat' '' Natsume said darkly, right hand full of fire while I sighed and ran up the stairs.

''Naru-nii Gomene we're a little la-'' I spoke and froze. The whole class was blinking, seeing Natsume's messed up hair and my un-neatly dressed clothes. ''*Whistle* Someone got lucky!'' The boys (Except Yuu but Ruka was blushing) said and I tilted my head cutely, wondering what they were talking about but shook it off while Natsume tsked, walked away and started threatning how they were being baka's and misjudging or whatever boys seem to do these days.

''Hey Mei-chan, you sure he didn't only drop you off at your house?'' Naru-chan said, a little too sweetly and I tilted my head, ''Hmm Not that I remember'' I said and he immediately had a flowery aura. ''Class we're having a new student today~'' We all immediately sat down and the girls were whispering something about, ''I wonder if its a boy! Or a CUTE boy!'' and the boys were saying something like, ''Maybe it's another Mikan or someone pretty like Mei~chan?'' Ruka asked to Natsume. ''Nobody is prettier then Mei-chan!'' Mikan said and I wondered who it could be.

We heard the door slid open and we all had leaned closer (Mikan: ''Except Natsume, he wouldn't give 2 hoots about the New Student'' Me: ''Oh believe me he will, oh he will mwhahahahahahaha *Cough* *Cough*'') ''Welcome to Class B2-''

''Ryosuke Aidou'' (Me: MIKAN, DID YOU READ MY FANFICTIONS AND MAKE HIS NAME AIDOU, YA KNOW THIS ISN'T VAMPIRE KNIGHT AND IF I REMEMBER, AIDOU DOESN'T HAVE A TWIN OR A SON AND NEVER WILL HE EVER! Mikan: OH COME ON, I KNOW YOU LIKE HIM!! Me: EWW NO, IT'S KANAME NOT AIDOU. MEH, I LIKE ME VK OC'S INSTEAD! AND NO, I DON'T LIKE TO READ BOY OC FANFICTIONS!) A boy said and the girls (Mikan: Except Mei!) leaned closer and it came a boy with blonde hair, blue eyes and black high school clothing (He can sometimes be like *Cough* Hanabusa *Cough* Aidou *ACHOO* Ryosuke also looks like him). "*Girly Gasps* He's so cute!!'' 3/4 of the classrooms girls squealed and almost fainted while Mei had a question mark above her head. ''You can sit next to Mei, what's your Alice?'' Naru asked and all the girls leaned in, ''Charm Alice'' He said, winking at Mei and she blinked while having a blank face, (Me: BISHHH WHY U MESS WITH MY BEAUTIFUL OP MEI-CHAN! OH HELL-O NO! NO TO THE NO NO!) while eating her much more 10x better pocky. Natsume glared like the second devil with fire flying in his hands, Aidou looked at Natsu and glared back, not as deadly as Natsume's but a look that said all over it, ''SHE'S MINE'' From Natsume's glare wherelse Aidous was like, ''SHES FREE SHOT, I SEE NO RING''

(Imma do a character report laterz on in the chapters, Natsume sneaks into persona's files and sees Mei's file.......DUN DUN DUNNNNNN....I'M GOING INSANE)

'':o YOICHI-CHAN!'' Mei shouted and saw Yoichi clapping his hands. Mei smiled and picked him up with giving him some pocky, ''Uhh......Mei-chan, are you SURE Yo-chan can eat pocky?'' Mikan said, also not noticing the ultimate glare down of a jealous boy and a over protective BF/F (It's a new thing. like it *Wink Wink* BF/F MWHAHAHAHAHA *COUGH* No, of course they're not <3, not ye- Natsume Fangirls: NEVVAAAAA).

''Mei: It's totally fine, quote one Readers! ALWAYS, I MEAAAANN ALWAYYYYSSSSSSS TRUST MEI WITH YOU'RE POCKY MY favourite rule is: Rule 1: Mei-chan is never wrong. Rule 2: Mei-chan is always right. RULE 3: EVEN IF MEI IS WRONG, SHE'S ALWAYS RIGHT!'' Mei finished while Mikan looked at Mei like she was god. Mikan nodded and slipped away, eyes sparkling in amazement. Mei patted Yoichi on the head once more, ''Boys these days *Sigh*'' Yoichi nodded in agreement.

''STOP FIGHTING YOU TWO OR I'LL MAKE SURE YOU SAY HI TO THE UNDERWORLD'' Mei shouted evily, eyes red and black hair flowing like a ghost to the Jealous boy who was teriffied while Natsume slumped back into his chair and plopped a manga on his head.

''OOUUHHHHHHH FAIRY TAIL!!?!?!?!?!?'' Mei screamed like a Fan-girl and attacked the manga. ''I have Gakuen Ali- WAIIT NVM'' Mei shouted, throwing the manga in a black random pit of fire. Mei immediately dived into the fire, rescued the Manga and marched out LIKE A BOSS while sitting in a corner of the room hugging the life out of the manga.

''My baby~ Don't worry momma's gotcha'' (Well lets say Mei can summon random things and somehow ended up summoning up the future in a book, as Mei would call it) Mei hid it inside her dress somehow and walked back. ''Anyone wanna play league of legends?'' Natsume smirked, Mikan nodded and Ruka's eyes shined.

''TO MY HOUSE. NARU-NII WE'RE JUST TOO COOL 4 SCHOOL CYA'' Mei marched them to her house, while Natsume secretly burned Aidou's records and made sure he never existed :D

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