Chapter 4

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Pic above is Connor
Connor's POV
Now usually when a random stranger invites me to their house it's usually to prank me or something else that's bad, so I have learnt not to go home with anybody. But for some reason I felt like if I could trust Bianca even though I didn't know her. Like we were friends since before we were born. This is probably what  Cleopatra experienced when she meet Mark Anthony for the first time. All lost in an infinity of the two of them. That's how it was with Bianca and I. In those moments there was no world, only me and Bianca. As I gulped down my water I couldn't help but stare at her. God she was beautiful. With amazing , fierce hazel eyes and long lushes amber hair. A flawless completion of porcelain skin and the body framework of a super model. I think if I wasn't committed to being a gentleman I would've allowed myself to catch a boner. We sat down in an awkward silence and stared at each other until a tall black girl with brown eyes and black curly hair walked in.
"Sup Bianca who's your new friend."
I noticed she pit extra emphasis on the friend I wonder why? She gave the girl a cold stare and the girl's facial expression grew timid and Bianca smiled in victory.
"Raysa this is my friend Connor, Connor this is my bet.. I mean best friend Raysa."
Raysa's face and Bianca's face looked a little nervous after Bianca stuttered and immediately I knew they were both hiding something. Something so powerful and big that it could take the world by storm. I wanted to ask what they were hiding but after watching and memorizing every episode of every version of Sherlock Holmes I knew it wouldn't be the smartest move. So I pretended I didn't notice. I saw the girls faces relax when I asked nothing. You see now the don't know I'm on to them.

Bianca's POV
I can't believe I nearly gave out our secret like seriously Bianca can't you be more careful? I was just glad that Connor did not notice anything. If he did it would of been hell time for us. I looked at my watch and saw that it was after six. I probably should get Connor home now.
"So Connor ready to go home now?" I asked.
"Yes" he answered in a really Adorable voice.
We stood up and I lead him out of the house and into the car.
"Not picking me up this time ?" Connor joked.
I laughed
"Let's pretend I never did that" I said.
He laughed.
"Fine by me".
It felt good to see a wide smile on his face especially after seeing him in distress earlier today. The drive to his home was silent except for the occasional direction from Connor. I pulled up in his neighborhood and my eyes widened the houses were huge. Bigger than I'd ever seen. Connor noticed my facial expression and he spoke.
"Mom's a model and designer dad's the CEO of a big technology company"
I nodded.
"You must love living here"
He shrugged
"Not really I mean I'm not one for the glamour and material things. I usually spend all my time in my room reading. I tend to focus more on the scientific and theoretical aspects of life. The only benefit of having rich parents is the amount of books and Science utensils you get."
I laughed
"That house over there please" Connor said pointing to a humongous wall decorated with vines and flowers.
I drove to the wall and opened the door for Connor to leave.
"Thanks Bianca" he said before getting out. I just smiled and then drove away. I felt kind of sad to see him go. I just wanted to hang out with him for awhile longer but oh well.
Loved this chap it was basically a filler though nothing important happened. Anyways guys thanks for reading and voting and commenting as I hope people would be doing after I find he gut to publish chapter one. Lol bye got to practice my violin exams are soon.

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