chapter 18

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Connor's POV
She looked like a work or art and art wasn't supposed to look like that. I could tell she knew that I was encapsulated by her beauty because a snug smile crept onto her face.
"Well Connor don't stand outside come in"
I took a deep breath and entered Hayley's large stone mansion. Did I mention it was really big? Infact honestly it looked more like a Victorian age castle and somehow I knew it was related to the werewolf situation. I stepped into a large white living room with a dangling crystal chandelier. The room was swarmed with people well they were probably wolves I don't know after today I feel like if I know nothing. Hayley linked her arm in mine and whilst I squirmed uncomfortably the feeling was still nice and warm. The entire room of werewolves in expensive suits turned to face us. I could see Hayley's parents glaring at me in the Connor of my eyes. I suddenly felt extremely underdressed and judging from the look on everyone's faces I could tell they were disgusted. I willed myself to disappear but obviously that didn't happen. Instead I hid my face behind my long hair and made my frame as small as possible.
"Sharon..." A stout, little lady with a long, oily nose said "this certainly cannot be the man your daughter is going to court with... he looks disgraceful." She watches me with condescending eyes and I know I am not welcomed. It shouldn't hurt me because I'm accustomed to this kind of treatment but the fact that it comes from a relative of Hayley 's burns me. Sharon is about to stutter when Hayley boldly cuts in front of me and defends me.
"Oh please Cassandra, you're acting like if you're in any position to speak about physical appearances your 65 years old and you still haven't found your mate yet."
Cassandra purses her lips and sulks. Hayley turns to the crowd.
"You may all continue with your stupid little meeting I'llhave Connor changed in time for dinner."
Then she grabs me and for once I feel a warm tingle flow through my body. Relaxing me and making me smile?! No. I think. I can't possibly be developing feelings for Hayley she tried to kill Bianca... Then again Bianca isn't technically even my friend. I just sort of like her for no apparent reason. We enter Harleys large pink room. That looks like if it's straight out of Disney princes movie. It's ceilings are high and Laden with beautiful light fixtures. The floors are of a smooth, rich, white tile. The walls gleam with gloss and are scattered with pictures. In the middle of the room is a giant heart shaped bed with it's own corset. And her vanity is humongous and carved from white teak.
"Do you like it?" She beamed her lips centimeters away from my eyes.
I nodded
"Good" she murmured before giving me a delicate kiss on my ear. My body shivered. It felt incredible... no I hummed I must not succumb to Hayley's tricks. I needed to be stronger for Bianca's sake.
"Anyways" Hayley said, satisfied with my body's reaction. " you need to freshen up... and well I need to help you."
A devious smile appears on her face and thank the Gods instead of thinking any sexual thoughts towards her I feel a pang of disgust and fear... Hayley may appear to be your average dumb blonde stereotype and though I think that entire stereotype highly offensive and discriminating. Hayley just like all the other blondes I know is highly intelligent and knows how to get what she wants in life. Even if she chooses to use her intelligence for selfish fantasies...
Hope you all enjoyed this quaint update. I know it isn't much but I've been occupied with my violin exams. Anyways I would like to thank all of you for reading and omg I am loving the comments (sorry if I haven't replied to all I'm doing my best not to leave anyone out) I'm just as excited as you all are to find out what happens as I myself don't know who I'm going to let him chose ;). 😁😂🤗 :) :).

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