Chapter 5

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Connor's POV
I couldn't stop thinking about the incredible girl I had just met and not incredible because she was beautiful but because she was hiding something. I loved solving puzzles and mysteries ,especially when they weren't given to me to be solved. I took out my laptop and began to look for any word that begins with bet and is related to anything supernatural or out of the ordinary. I reached word number 576 when my mother opened the door. Now if you see my mother and then see me you probably would not think we are related, because she is drop dead gorgeous. She is tall and slim with long red hair and bright green eyes. Her completion is flawless and all of her features are distinct , in other words she is a goddess. Me on the other hand...I have shoulder length brown shabby hair which my mom wants me to cut short, dark brown eyes that are sunken from too much reading. My face has bruises on it from all the punches I receive and my arms scars from cutting myself. Also I'm the skinniest 18 year old boy in school. There is absolutely nothing remotely attractive about me.
"Hey sweetie we're having some guests over for dinner tonight so can you please get ready."
Waw mom I'm covered in fresh bruises and you wouldn't even ask me why .I just shrugged and nodded.
"Ok mom I'll be there" I answered as she smiled closing the door. I slammed my laptop down and proceeded into the bathroom where I took a long cold shower. Then I rinsed my face in salt water and fresh lime juice to help the scars heal faster. I knew every time my mom had someone over they were important people from the fashion industry and I knew I had to make her look good. Despite my stereotypically nerdy behavior I am actually quite into fashion. I attend fashion weeks all around the world with my mother every year and even get to help her with designs sometimes. I don't normally follow the trends I make my own. To me fashion is about expressing who you are and how you feel. It is the most obvious way to be unique. I decided to wear a my favorite pair of black distressed jeans with a white and blue patterned shirt under a blue and green stripped sweater. I finished it off with a white pair of converse.I put my hair into a low bun and switched my regular clear and black glasses for my slim black pair of vogue glasses. I felt confident enough in my look and proceeded down the stairs and entered the dining room where I nearly gagged. Why you may ask? because Hayley's entire family was there, sitting, eating and talking in my living room.
"Connor honey there you are," my mother said " I thought you forgot me"
I forced a smile onto my face as I sat down  next to Hayley. She seemed just as shocked to see me here as I was to see her.
"Anyways Connor these are the Walkers my new business partners"
"Hi" I said
"Hey Connor" Hayley replied all friendly.
"You two know each other?" My mother inquired.
"Of course" Hayley said "Connor and I are besties."
I could not believe what I was hearing. Hayley and I are besties since when?
"Oh" my mom said "Connor never told me about you".
She laughed a little.
"Well you know Connor always keeping to himself."
My mom nodded.
I sat there in complete and utter disbelief. It's amazing what people do just to make a good impression
OK short and very lousy chapter I am super sorry for that and I promise to make the others better. Anyways  bye everyone enjoy life (my a/ns are so corny).

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