chapter 6

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Bianca's POV
"I can't believe I nearly blew our secret!" I said to Raysa as we trotted through the woods. She nodded.
"Let's just hope he didn't get suspicious."
I shrugged.
"It doesn't really matter it's not like if I'll ever sew him again."
As soon as I said those words I felt Flair get extremely angry and since I was already in wolf form so I knew she could easily over power me.
Why won't we be seeing him again?.
She questioned.
I gulped a little bit.
"Uh um ....."
There is no reason, we will be seeing him again whether you like it or not.
I was a little shocked by Flair's outburst we usually got along really well....
Something was up... Flair knew something that I didn't...
"You alright B?" Raysa inquired " you seem a little distant."
"Oh uh no I'm alright just tired I guess."
"Oh well we're almost done with our nightly patrol so you could rest soon."
I just nodded. The only thing my mind could seem to think about was Connor. Connor Stain. The nerdy 18 year old who I'd for some reason taken an unnatural liking to. Why?
Flair snickered, but this really was not funny. I mean what if he's a werewolf hunter disguised as a 'friend'. I mean yes it seems unlikely but sometimes the nicest of people are the worst of them all... I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Connor's POV
The next at school was absolutely wonderful and by absolutely wonderful I mean incredbly terrible. When I went to school for some absurd reason Hailey thought that we were friends, which totaly freaked me out. She was acting like a prissy little princess. She even made me eat lunch with her during which I was smothered with hugs and kisses. I hated every single minute of it because I knew it was all a show. I gathered my things from my locker and began walking down the street. I passed the bench that i was sitting down on yesterday and I immediately started thinking about Bianca. Everytime I thought about her my heart skipped a beat. I mean sure I only knew her for a few hours but that still did not stop my feelings for her. Yes I have feelings for her. I know a girl of her type is way out of my league but a guy has gotta dream doesn't he. I really hope I see her again. Besides she has a secret and I'm intrigued at what it is.
Ok so here comes the writters block the worst thing ever known . But at least it will push me to think harder and give you guys a great update.

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