chapter 33

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Hayley's POV
The sky  that night was a black so black the stars light couldn't illuminate it's darkness and the air was cold and had an erie silence. Everything around me reeked of destruction. Something big was going to happen tonight I could feel it.
"Hayley!!!!!" Chyna yelled as she waved her hands in front of my face.
"Oh uh hey Chyna." I said my voice monotoned.
"I'm going out for a bit don't do anything stupid or I'll kill you."
She that that with such enthusiasm it scared me.
I nodded before she left. I lay on the flat ,hard mattress and faced the ceiling of Chyna's room. How did I go from riches to rags in less than 24 hours! It was all Bianca's fault! Connor was mine! But that little prissy princess had to take him away from me. I sobbed into my pillow my heart aching more than it ever had before. The pain spread throughout my body Bianca had ruined my life. Then suddenly I heard the heavy sound of paws and a large white wolf appeared in front of me. I screamed.
"There there Hayley". It said "It's ok, I'm just here to help, you do want to get revenge on Bianca don't you."
Who was this and how did he know my name."
He smirked.
"Oh don't worry you can trust me..."
The wolf came closer.
"You do want Connor back don't you Hayley.. I can help with that."
"How do you know all this and how am I sure it's not a trap!"
He laughed.
"Because Bianca is my mate and that Connor took her away from me!"
A small smile appeared a small smile appeared on my face.
"Oh so by helping me get Connor back you're getting Bianca?"
He smiled.
"Yes exactly that however if you do agree to join me there's a high risk as Bianca's pack hate me..."
I scoffed.
"Same here dude." I replied.
"Well then Hayley transform and lets go...lets go claim what is rightfully ours lets go claim our mates!"
Bianca's POV
"Is everything in place Raysa?" I inquired as I paced the floor. If Jasper wanted a fight he'd get one.
"Yes everything is in order." She replied.
"Bianca!" One of the wolves yelled "someone's here to see you she said her name was Chyna."
"Oh yes Chyna bring her in."
Raysa gave me an uneasy look.
"What are you doing contacting Chyna? She's a physcotic sociopath!"
I smiled.
"Raysa you worry to nuch. Chyna owes me a favor anyways."
She rolled her eyes and mumbled whatever. Chyna then skipped in.
"Guess who found the bitch Hayley for you? Oh I did." She sing songed
Raysa's face displayed disgust but I ignored it.
"Really where is she."
Her eyes darkened
"Well Bianca that's a questionable question and you know I don't give up information easily...I would tell you she's at my house buttt.... that'd be lying as I saw that ex boyfriend of yours lurking before I left."
I balled my fist. Was Jasper going to team up with Hayley?
"Well what good is that information Chyna we still don't know her whereabouts!" Raysa spat.
Chyna smiled and gave her a hug.
"Oh don't worry Raysa darling when the time comes there location would be made known... I can however tell you the size of Jasper's rouge pack has increased. There seems to be a lot of people out to get this pack."
I punched the wall in fury.
"Well then Jasper you think you're all that but you're really nothing... Raysa tell everyone assemble in the great hall now... we go off into the woods in five minutes!"
She nodded before dashing off.
Good now all I needed to do was talk to Connor....
Hey I hope this was better than the last one. I am currently emotionally drained so I have no idea what I'm writing. Thanks for reading

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