chapter 41

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Raysa's POV
We'd gotten rid of every single last wolf that surrounded the house. We may have been out numbered but I spent most of my life training to defend myself and my loved ones. I turned to Rider, Chyna and Jackson.
"Rider I want you to go back home and ensure there's no counter attack."
He nodded and dashed off.
"Jackson stay outside and prevent anyone else from getting in."
"Okay sure." He replied.
I turned to Chyna.
"You and me are gona go in their and bust Bianca and Connor the hell out."
She nodded and followed me.
Bianca's POV
I was ecstatic when I saw Connor burst through the door. I mean, I knew he was far to weak to save me but he bought me time to transform into Flair and gather composure. Within seconds of fighting with Jasper he was down. I laughed a bit. It was cute how ge tried to protect me. He tried to pull himself up but Flair told him not too.
"It's okay Connor you stay their I can handle myself."
I pounced on Japer as he turned into his large Alpha wolf. In human form Japser may have to upper hand but wolf to wolf Flair was far more superior. She clawed at his face. Leaving deep deep scars. He toppled her over and scratched her stomach harshly.
Flair smirked
Two can play at that game deary.
In a swift move she clawed out his left eyeball. He howled in pain. Before he could regain his senses Fenris and Cyhna ran through the door.
Give up! Jasper Fenris commanded.
We've got you in a really nasty situation. Your entire pack of wolves is dead and against the three of us you don't stand a chance.
You could see the fear in his eyes but he was still determined to win. He came lounging at me but Connor through something at him and it cut straight though his legs. It was silver.
"I forgot I had my silver chain in my pocket." He chuckled. I smiled. Jasper howled in distress and reluctantly turned back to human.
"I... I surrender." He stuttered.
Fenris gave him a death glare before giving Raysa control again
"If you ever even lay eyes on a member of this pack again I'll end you!" She threatened.
Jasper whimpered. She smiled and jerked him upwards.
"I'll take you to your brother now. He'd deal with your disgusting ass."
Chyna and I turned back into human form.
I gave her a hug.
"Thanks Chyna thanks so much!"
She laughed
"All in a good days work... I'm going to go find Hayley now so I'll see you later."
In a flash she was gone. Leaving Connor and I together.
I wrapped my arms around him.
"You okay?"
I asked. He nozzled his head on my shoulder.
"Mhmmm." He whispered
"Yeah." I replied.
He smiled and pulled away. We held hands as we left the building. We walked out into the open and both instantly looked at the sky.
"You like star gazing too?" I ask him.
He nodded shyly.
"Yeah. I like to be reminded about the complexity of our universe. Especially after all that's been happening."
I laugh and he gives me a big goofy smike.
He embraces me in a hug.
"I love you Bianca." He whispers in my ear.
I can feel Flair urging me to kiss him
"I love you too Connor." I reply.
We kiss again before we are interrupted by the others.
"Ahem!" Raysa exclaims.
"Jasper's pack just arrested him for treason and you know what that means around here so we're probably not gona hear from him again."
Connor's face looks uneasy but I smile.
"The bastard had it coming for him." I mutter.
Chyna giggles loudly doing a somersault in the air.
"Looks like things turned out great!" She yells.
"Yeah." I reply then I turn to Hayley who looks devastated.
"Are you okay?" I ask her.
She nodds.
"Yeah I'm fine. Sad about losing Connor but in a way him being happy with you is making mw feel oddly happy as well."
She smiles genuinly and I return it.
"As well as Chyba said I can stay with her and that I don't actually have to hunt for food anymore!"
I laugh. Typical Chyna making people hunt.
Connor yawns.
"I'm sooo tired like I've been uo for at least 48 hours. I need to get some rest."
I nodd.
"Agreed let's go home. " I say
"Back to my place and I'd take care of you."
I miss his forehead lightly. He nodds sleepily.
Connor 's POV
I awoke the next morning in the comfort of Bianca's arms.
"Morning baby." She says twirling my hair.
I kiss her
"Morning B." I say.
I sit up.
"Crazy night?" She asks.
"Yeah." I reply.
She sits up too.
"Well now that all the madness is over we can take our time and do things our way. I'm not in a hurry to claim you because you know that you are mine and since Hayley is no longer trying to steal you we can get to know each other better first."
I nodd.
"I like the sound of that." I reply
She smiles the most beautiful smile in the world.
Who would've thought such a gorgeous, self sufficient woman would've fallen for me? Guess the stars were going crazy on the night we crossed.
"What are you thinking?"
She asks.
"I just can't believe that we're together that's all."
She cracks up.
"Yeah I can't believe it too. I mean I swore on my grave to never fall in love yet here I am. Me Bianca the stubborn, independent Alpha in love with her nerdy mate. Who would've thought?"
With that I kissed her and she kissed me back and in those moments I knew our life together would be wonderful.
Yaaaaaaay I finished like a bosssssss.
Omg sooo did you guys like the story? I'd appreciate feedback of any kind. I wana say tons of thanks to all of you readers for reading my book and encouraging me to write on. I love you all. If you like you can check out my other books. Like All The Lies which is a romantic novel that is really awesome or What If that's a fantasy novel that once again is awesome. Once again thank u guys so so much. I really am greatful to you all

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