Chapter 26

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Bianca's POV
I shifted back into human form and quickly descended the ladder. Upon reaching the ground my body commanded me to give Connor a hug...
He gave me an awkward smile and pat on the back my heart sank by his lack of emotion.
"Uh I'm so sorry to interrupt this 'happy' reunion," Raysa started "but uh we should get going, I have a feeling it's only a matter of seconds before Hayley's pack is informed about what has happened."
I relunctanly let go of Connor and we walked down the street. It must have been pretty odd seeing a group of young adults roaming the streets of a posh neighborhood in the wee hours of the morning but I couldn't care less. I had Connor and that's all that mattered to me.
Connor's POV
It all happened so fast. One minute I was in bed with Hayley the next minute I'm being 'rescued' by Bianca. The entire conundrum was just so confusing. I mean one second I'm disgusted by Hayley well technically at first she kina had sex with me without my consent but then two seconds later my body's hot for her but then Bianca barges in and I lose interest in Hayley and am suddenly drawn to Bianca. I was extremely confused about life. I needed to find out more about werewolves especially on what the hell was a mate.
"So um uh Raysa..." I began with some hesitation because that girl scared the crap out of me "you said you have stuff to tell me, when can I know what that stuff is."
She turned to me her eyes menacing but her face calm.
"Bianca," she started " when are you going to introduce Connor to the world of werewolves."
Bianca's eyes flared then softened then flared again. She then sighed.
"Well later in the morning I guess since Connor's coming home with us."
Wait I was? Oh I honestly thought I'd just walk myself home and cry to my 'amazing' mother but uh ok. I saw Bianca's facial expression was also a bit distorted almost as if she didn't know what she said. After what seemed lile centuries of walking I saw the familiar settings from the day we first met. We arrived at Bianca's house and what greeted me was terrifying. There were four large wolves. Two of them a a charcoal black and the other to so white they appeared to have no colour. They eyes were that same stormy black as Hayley's, Bianca's and Raysa's are when they're well I don't know. And the circled around the house in a menacing manner. Their paws were coated in a fresh ser od ruby blood and their fangs dripped it to. Leading up to the house was a trail of sparkling ruby and you could smell the faint decaying sent of animals. I saw Bianca and Raysa tense up and Immediately I knew that whoever they were they weren't in support of us.
Once again another shortie but this will be followed by a much longer chapter coming out later tonight. I'm sorry about not updating on Tuesday I was exhausted. Also remember what I said about falling spanish aurals? Well I did great! Anyways thanks for reading and voting and omg #396 in werewolf you guys are just amazing. Thanks a billion

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