Chapter 7

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Bianca's POV
(Pic is of Raysa).
"So what are you up to tonight?" Raysa inquired as we left our friday night pack meeting. I shrugged my shoulders.
"Nothing much" I respended hoping it would stay that way. She smiled and I immediately knew that my friday night plan was ruined.
"Where do you want to go Ray" I asked in a monotone voice.
Her smile grew even wider.
"Uh well um you see Jackson asked me out to this new bar in town and he"s bringing his brother Jasper along with him and I thought you could come too."
Oh crud seriously I hated clubs they were too noisy ...but then again it haven't gotten 'loose' in a while...I smiled and said yes.We parted ways for the while me heading to my house and Raysa to hers. I took a long warm shower. Ensuring that it it was long enough to calm me and prepare me for the night ahead. After that I got a robe and went into my bedroom,poundering about what to wear. I mean I didnt want to wear anything to 'revealing' as Jasper would be their and he is a whole different kettle of fish. I studied my closest for what seemed like hours and I finally setlled on a short ,satin, thin strapped dress. I paired it off with my black heels. I accessorized with a golden pendant and gold earings. I added a touch of light make -up and put my hair into a bun leaving a few of its straight,brown,glossy strans loose. After that I made my way downstairs where Raysa and the guys were waiting.
"Took you long enough" Raysa said.
I smiled.
"Well i'm sorry if I want to look pretty". She rolled her eyes and I followed them out into Jackson's car. I sat in back next to Jasper.
I buckled my seatbelt as the car began to move. I stared out the window ignoring Raysa's and Jackson's noisy blabbering while trying to ignore Jasper.
"So Bianca"he began
I went into my clutch and pulled out my cell and earplugs. My hands made their way to my ears but he stopped me.
"Oh come on B, you can't still hate me."
My eyes flaired at his statement and I heard Flair give a slight growl.
"Like seriously it was 2 years ago you have got to be over it by now."
And just like that the tears began to form in my eyes and the memory of what happend crushed me like a tidal wave.
He reached for my hand but I slapped him.
"What did you do that for?!" He exclaimed and thats when I lost it. He cheated on me with more than one girl and never apologized and now he is pretending thaf it never happened ! Well thats some nerve.
"Listen to me Jasper and listen well. You and I will never be friends or even aquaintences again, ok!I mean you cheated on me with 5 other girls. 5 Jasper thats a big number. "
He was going to say something in return but I plugged in my earplugs and blasted my music. I was really not going to rnjoy this night not at all.
Connor's POV
"Connor hurry up!" My parents yelled as I tied my shoes.
"Ok I'm coming". I was going to my aunt's club opening and I absolutely hated it. I mean clubs.I proceeded down the stairs where my parents awaited me with aggitated expressions.
"Connor Stain" my father began in a voice that made me flinch but my mom stopped him.
"Oh leave the boy alone Anthony, he was just getting ready there's nothing wrong with taking your time to look good." I mentally laughed at that little did she know that under the fabric that covered my body was a skin battered with scars from my scissors and well Bruce too but mostly scissors. I sat down in  the back seat of my dad's Range Rover my mom doesn't like it when he drives us in his sports car and I agree 100%. Even though only 3% of car accidents are caused by speading one can never be to safe.Anyways we drove in silence to the club which was packed when we arrived. My body squirmed at the sight of all those people. I hated large crowds they made me uncomfortable. They did however give me leeway to practice my deducting skills. You know looking at people and guessing their entire life story.
I got out of the car and followed my parents into the zoo of drunkens. As I entered I smelt the entoxicating smell of booze and I wanted to barf but just as I was about to dash outside aunty Glenda approached. Now just like my mom (her sister) she has the looks of Aphrodite the Greek and Roman goddess of love and beauty and tonight she was really using her powers. She wore a short as in right below her butt sliver dress. That had a low bust and like no sleeves or back. She pairwd it off with silver heels and a combination of white and silver jewelry. Un like my mom she had red hair that is slightly wavier . She curled up her hair and badaxzled it with glitters and beeds.  Curse my perfect family. She came towards me and gave me a hug.
"Connor oh my goodness" she began "look how big you have gotten ,you look absolutely wonderful or you would if you go to a gym work out , get some muscles and get rid of that long messy hair."
I stood there not knowing what to say my aunt had just rudely insulted me straight in my face! I just wanted to yell some curses at her in a different launguage(a thing that I only do under croucial circumstances ) but my mom saaved the day (Well not really she kind of made it worse she told me to go and walk around have some 'fun' with myself). I sighed heavily and made my way through the calabash of people. I found a quiet area close to the entrence and stood up there for awhile until a familiar face approached me. It was Bianca. I immediately livened up. For some reason Bianca made even the most horrific of situations better.
"Hey Connor" she said "what are you doing here you never appealed to me as the clubbing type".
I laughed a little.
"I'm not mu parents made me come its my aunt's bar."
"Oh" she said. There was an akward silence. Why is there always an akward silence? I decided to break it by complementing her outfit.
"Your outfit looks nice except for your choice of jewelery these days silver accessories are in especially for occasions like this and gold is out." (Ok so it had a little fashoin insult I can"t help it I need to lwt her know). She winced at the word silver.
"Thanks for the tip Connor but i'm uh allergic to silver".
It was right there and then I wanted to laugh but I chose not to.
I just replied a simple ok, I also made a mental note to check that out later.Then once again came that akward silence. It was as if  something was purposly trying to keep us apart and I could tell Bianca was sensing it to.
Alright a seriously lame way to end a chapter and I apologize for that. Also Raysa and Jackson don't know about Bianca's and Jasper's relationship.

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