chapter 35

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Bianca's POV
I was really beginning to utterly despise Jasper. I mean is he for real? I'd finally accepted Connor as my mate and he found it ever so convinient to plan to attack on the same day!
"Is everyone ready?" I inquired as I paced the floor."
My mom nodded.
"Well yes we are... except for the fact that Beatrice and Connor aren't back yet.'
My stomach flopped. That was not at all assuring infact it was worrying and then as if on cue that stupid bitch Hayley appeared. She had some nerve coming here especially with so many wolves who not to brag can kill her in a single move. The guard wolves began to circle in but she stopped them.
"Oh please! I wouldn't try that if I were you... I have backups after all. Several rouge wolves who might I say have somw serious beef with this pack."
I scoffed.
"What is it that you're here for Hayley get straight to the point I'm getting impatient."
She laughed and walked towards me.
"Ah Bianca, sweet little Bianca. Tell me what's it like to know that Connor lost his virginity to me."
I was getting pissed off now.
"Shut up Hayley."
She snickered.
"Huh I guess you're not one for joking... well anyways I'll get to the point now Jasper and I have Connor..."
I didn't wait to hear anything else. In less than a second I'd morphed into Flair and had Hayley under my heavy paw.
"GIVE HIM BACK TO ME!" I yelled my voive vibrating all the way into the dark chasms.
"Bianca!" My mom yelled " let her finish.!"
"Bianca is not in control right now I am."
Flair hissed "and I'm not letting a low lying scumbag take away my mate. I'm going to kill her right here right now."
Hayley smiled.
"Hmm sounds intersting Flair but Bianca's still there and she's not going to let you kill anyone... besides if I die so does Connor. Now shut up so I can tell you the rest."
I could tell Flair was upset and at any second now would rip her claws down Hayley's chest but I had to hold her back. We needed to keep her alive to save Connor.
"It's ok Flair. Just relax. It'll be fine trust me."
She gnarled but lightened her hold on Hayley.
"Finally." Hayley started.
"So here's how it's going. We, Jasper and I have Connor. In order for you to save Connor's life you mate with Jasper and well leave Connor for me. If that does not happen Connor will first mate with me in front of your face and then be killed in front of your face and then well Jasper's gona force you to mate with him and then kill you and everyone else. So yeah he's coming over at 8 to take you on a date you better be ready. Throughout the duration your entire pack will be under survalence and also Beatrice is dead."
What the fucking hell was wrong with those two. What the fucking hell. That's it I wasn't going to hold Flair back from her. We slit her across the face she yelped.
"Bianca!" My mom yelled" stay calm I think Hayley has made their position very clear... alright."
I sighed I had to listen to my mother. Flair was pissed but obliged.
Hayley smiled.
"See you later Bianca." She then swayed her hips away.
I turned to my mom who was crying she'd just lost her sister. The other pack members also wore glum expressions.
"I'm sorry guys." I began.
Raysa put a hand on my back.
"No nees to apologize B it's not your fault."
I sighed but I also knew what I had to do. I needed to go out with Jasper...
"Raysa I think I have a plan, you'd need to work with Chyna though and also help me get ready for this date of mine."
She gave me an uneasy look but said ok.
Jasper and Hayley are going to regret everything.
Yes I updated. Sorry for the long wait. Please enjoy and vote and comment and for those of you who still haven't said who you want Connor to mate with please let me know. Remeber the ending will be determined by what option has the higher preference

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